Blogging-Mcdonalds Stand
I should of added this long ago, but the ole mind here is still foggy.
Mcdonalds Stand is a Virginia blog by Flora Mcdonald.
Her son is serving in Iraq and her blog is tops. Check it out and be sure to leave a comment.
And when you were threatened from outside, the Americans left the safety of their own homes to come and defend you. I will never apologize for the United States of America.” Duncan Hunter 11/28/07
My blog is worth $238,235.88.
How much is your blog worth?
I should of added this long ago, but the ole mind here is still foggy.
Mcdonalds Stand is a Virginia blog by Flora Mcdonald.
Her son is serving in Iraq and her blog is tops. Check it out and be sure to leave a comment.
I said here that it was a good move on Warner's part to grant clemency for Robin Lovitt. I do not think it will hurt him politically. Myself, I think Lovitt is guilty. I believe in the death penalty, but I also believe in the law. Evidence was destroyed and that made the DNA testing impossible. Rules were broken by the state denying Lovitt his proper appeal rights. I feel Warner did the right thing. As heartbreaking as this is for the victims family, life with out parole was the right punishment. Thats my opinion, but I am not a lawyer and I dont know all the facts.
Chad has a post up about it here(read the comments). He also promises to have his opinion as a prosecutor posted soon. I am really looking forward to reading his take on the case. He may change my mind.
Bearing Drift has a good take on it here. JR points out that "former Governors Wilder, Allen and Gilmore have all also commuted at least one sentence during their terms."
The RTD has this article that quotes Larry Sabato saying "He's already permitted 11 executions," Sabato said. "You talk about cover? Mark Earley plus Ken Starr. . . . That takes care of it."
The article also has this: Michael Paranzino, president of Throw Away The Key, an anti-crime group based in Kensington, Md., was critical.
"Warner today sided with an unrepentant and cold-blooded killer, and turned his back on working-class folks and crime victims across America," he wrote in an e-mail message.
But Jack Payden-Travers, director of Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, said he spoke with Lovitt's wife, Jane, shortly after the commutation was announced.
"We're very thankful that the governor has moved to take this stand, because, unfortunately, the death penalty is such a political issue that it does take courage to take a stand even when it's an issue of justice as it was in this case," he said.
Virginia Attorney General Judith W. Jagdmann said in a statement that the governor has the authority to grant clemency where in his view the circumstances so warrant.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim's family," she said.
Another view in the RTD- in the 3 pages of comments is this one from Matthew "Reading these comments from both sides..everyone seems to agree that he was guilty. So those agreeing with Warner's decision are basing it strictly on the actions of the clerk? Those asking about the feelings of the family of the criminal..have you ever been the family of the victim? Well said, Ryan. If you stab someone and throw away the weapon, you still stabbed someone. Check out CNN and MSNBC...Warner did this for political capital, regardless of his true belief. First Wilder, now this.
I told you this would be interesting.
Va. Gov. Grants Clemency for Condemned Man
This was a smart move by Warner.
Brian Patton has this.
I had a post about Robin Lovitt and Mark Warner before the holiday. It addressed the so called dilemma facing Warner on the fate of Robin Lovitt. It is not a dilemma, but I will leave that alone for now. Todays RTD has this article about Robin Lovitt victims mother and her wishes. It also touches on planned protests if the execution is carried out tomorrow.
I agree with the victims mother and my heart is breaking for her. But there are many problems with the case as all the evidence was destroyed.
What will Warner do? The pressure is on and time is running out. Warner mouthpiece Kevin Hall said
Warners call on this case could follow him for years. I still see it as a win-win for Warner if handled correctly. With the destruction of evidence he has an out to appeal to the pro death penalty side. If he lets the execution take place will he loose some anti death penalty support? As I said in the post last week, it will be very interesting to see how he handles this. Waner is also gaining a little praise from some conservatives with his recent remarks on the war in Iraq. Chad has the info here.
Norman has a good post up reviewing the article by Peter Ferrara posted in Bacons Rebellions e-zine.
Both are good reads. Norman offers some hope and a challenge to Virginia's conservative bloggers.
Then issues this challenge
I agree. The Conservative blogs have a bright future. Norman points out that many conservatives are not reading blogs. I feel we need the MSM ( local newspapers ) to plug them. The WAPO did and that was great! Myself, every time I go to the college or library, I create a short cut on the desktop to Chads site and others. Who knows if it helps, but at least I am trying.
The Virginia Blog Carnival XIII is up at Brandon Meyer's.
Click on over and check it out.
Wordpress is offering a free blog service like Blogger. Sign up here. So all you tight wads like me can check it out. I have a feeling Blogger will lose some traffic.
I am learning wordpress.....slowly. I have started a new blog there.
I dont know where it will go, but I am trying to learn. I have one meaningless post up, just as practice. The goal for the blog is to cover all election and campaign news, with links to all bloggers left or right with something to say. I will link it when I am ready for traffic.
My blog sis at Cathouse Chat has this post asking for prayer for a fellow blogger.
His blog is Kenders Musings. Go over and leave a comment and keep him in your prayers.
I know what the prayers did for me in my time of need.
Now get this
This Thanksgiving was different for me. I spent the day with friends, no family. This was a big change from the past couple of years that I spent with my family or at the farm with Shannon's family.
This year my friends and I celebrated together. We ate good thanks to the ladies in our lives. We watched football, we played PS2, we laughed and we cried. We missed those who were not there with us. My uncle Hennon. My friends Nathan (Big Al) Maggard (Nathan Lee (Big Al) Maggard, 25, passed away Monday (Aug. 15, 2005)., and Mike Stinson. They are missed by all of us. We sang songs and we lucky we are to have known them.
While reading about Tim Kaines stop in Richmond to discuss transportation, this came through clearly
From The RTD
"Looking comfortable in front of a crowd of about 300 people as he stood in front of a bright red 1936 Curtiss-Wright Speedwing biplane, Kaine was careful not to commit himself to any specific transportation plan."
"But in opening remarks, he said the last time the state addressed its transportation needs was in 1986. Then-Gov. Gerald L. Baliles pushed through the General Assembly a major transportation building program, backed by increases in gas, titling and sales taxes."
Get ready for a trifecta increase in taxes. I can hear it now....
I have been across the state talking to real people. We have a problem and the only solution is reform. This means a large tax increase in the following areas.........Doooh!!!!!
Brian Patton has this about a great tradition here in SWVA. If you know me and my love of trains, you know I don't miss the Santa Train.
Brian is right about this. Everyone should see the joy this brings to kids in my area. I always have wondered why there is not a big show at the end of the line. That would be a great charity act.
I heard Jay Leno talk about this last week and I thought it was a joke. It turns out it was not.
Via Too Conservative and the GOPHokie comes this story of a bill introduced by 4 democrats- Cynthia S. Creem, Robert A. O'Leary, Michael E. Festa, David P. Linsky that would reduce the penalty of those convicted of bestiality
Geesh....What can they be thinking.....Wait! I really don't want to know what they are thinking.
The RTD has this article about Warner's dilemma in the case of Robin Lovitt who was convicted on capital murder and robbery and faces death on Nov 30.
The state lost some evidence so there are some good questions to be asked in this case.
Sabato gives his two cents about the politics that are in play.
Earn points indeed. This is not a dilemma. It seems Mark L. Earley,who was Virginia's Republican attorney general from 1998 to 2001 is on record with this
This sounds like a win-win for Warner. The question is what base he wants to appeal to. It should be interesting for the next few days.
The Volume 1, Issue 12 Virginia Blog Carnival is up over at Imnotemeril. Alton has done a great job this week and there are some good posts up.
Old Dominion Blog Alliance member Brandon Meyer posted about the movie Jarhead on Nov.11. Somehow I discovered it today. Brandon is a Marine and his view is to be admired.
The Nuremberg Trials were conducted by an international tribunal made up of representatives from the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and Great Britain. It was the first trial of its kind in history, and the defendants faced charges ranging from crimes against peace, to crimes of war, to crimes against humanity. Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, the British member, presided over the proceedings, which lasted 10 months and consisted of 216 court sessions. On October 1, 1946, 12 architects of Nazi policy were sentenced to death. Seven others were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 10 years to life, and three were acquitted. Of the original 24 defendants, one, Robert Ley, committed suicide while in prison, and another, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, was deemed mentally and physically incompetent to stand trial. Among those condemned to death by hanging were Joachim von Ribbentrop, Nazi minister of foreign affairs; Hermann Goering, leader of the Gestapo and the Luftwaffe; Alfred Jodl, head of the German armed forces staff; and Wilhelm Frick, minister of the interior. On October 16, 10 of the architects of Nazi policy were hanged. Goering, who at sentencing was called the "leading war aggressor and creator of the oppressive program against the Jews," committed suicide by poison on the eve of his scheduled execution. Nazi Party leader Martin Bormann was condemned to death in absentia (but is now believed to have died in May 1945). Trials of lesser German and Axis war criminals continued in Germany into the 1950s and resulted in the conviction of 5,025 other defendants and the execution of 806.
Would the same result happen today? I doubt it.
The lights are on.
The displays eat up six million watts of electricity over the month-and-a-half they’re lit. Electricity is provided free of charge by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
More than 1.75 million people have passed through the display in its eight seasons.
The light show is open seven days a week from 6-10 p.m. The cost is $7 per car Sunday-Thursday and $10 per car Friday and Saturday.
With the release of Walk the LineNov 18th we get to capture a glimpse of the life of Johnny Cash. Cash was born sharecroppers son in 1932. He died in 2003 at 71 years of age. He was an original outlaw. His career milestones include 11 grammy's, over 1500 songs and 500 albums. He was the youngest living inductee into the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Rock n Roll hall of fame also.
This movie tells the love story between Johnny and June Carter. June's family is not far from here in Hiltons, Va. The Carter Fold is still open today with shows most every weekend. You can learn more about that here.
Johnny's big change came in the 60's
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time.
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine,
I walk the lineI find it very, very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day is through
Yes, I'll admit I'm a fool for you
Because you're mine,
I walk the lineAs sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine,
I walk the lineYou've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
Because you're mine,
I walk the line
I found this very funny.
U.S. House rejects naming building after Harkin.
Egos out of control indeed! Check this out
Dont forget about the Robert Byrd Center for Racial Harmony.
Halfway across the country the next day, gunfire killed 2nd Lt. Donald Ryan McGlothlin, 26, of Lebanon as he and other Marines fought in Ubaydi near the Syrian border, according to the Department of Defense.
I am praying for these proud mens families.
I am a little foggy today, as I had a procedure to relieve some pressure in my head. Please excuse any
Via the fair lady at Cathouse Chat, I have found a great blog that will become a daily read. I also am adding it to my blogroll and you should too. Michael Yon has some good stuff on his blog. His bio reads:
His latest post is the Punishers' Ball.
It is a great post full of pictures. Take the time to check it out and be sure to go through the archives. Thanks to Mr.Yon for some honest reporting.
I posted this a few days back. I got a couple emails saying it would not work. I received this
This is one of my fav music channels. Check it out!
The CSM has this
They have the cost down to 130 bucks per machine now. The article has a picture of a prototype. As I read the article I thought this is a good idea, but why not make sure all American kids have one too. There is hope, as it adds
I hope other states jump on this also. You would think Bill Gates would jump onboard to help. That does not sound like it is going to happen as the article says the computers will run free Linux software. Heh. 100 dollar puters that are " full-color, capable of wireless connection to the Internet, and rugged enough to survive getting dropped in the mud."
Very Cool
The Virginia Blog Carnival, Volume I, Issue 11 is up at Bearing Drift.
JR has done a great job and the are a lot of good posts up. Check them out!
I saw this on Drudge last night. Bearing Drift read it too. Well it has been updated.
Via Drudge
I find this hilarious after all the hoopla the people raised over Jerry Kilgores refusal to debate Tim Kaine on a weekly basis.
If the Democrats are so proud of their recent accomplishments why would Howard duck the show?
Commonwealth Watch is making predictions for 2009. Poli Amateur throws out some names. What is very interesting is the predictions for the AG. Steve Baril, Paul Harris, etc. At the end Poli has
Dotson in 2009?
I can support that. If he ran a AG race like he did his CA race, Chad will be a force for sure. Chad has the perfect ad. The ad contains "all the right stuff"...Bio, record, goals, and at the end he touches home...Grand Slam. Many campaigns should of used his example.
Update: Chad reminds us in the comments that he has a re-election campaign to run in 2007. I think the 2007 campaign will make a great primer for 2009. I believe Chad, like our sheriff Ronnie Oakes, has the job as long as he runs. This makes Wise county politics interesting for the next few years. Thanks to Chad Dotson, it is very interesting indeed.
Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eyes. Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel -- or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul's alloy forged in the refinery of adversity. Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem.You can't tell a vet just by looking. What is a vet?
The Vet is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out of fuel.
The Vet may be the bar room loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near
the 38th parallel in Korea.The Vet is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night in Da Nang.
The Vet is the former POW who went away one person and came back another - or didn't come back AT ALL.
The Vet is the Quantico drill instructor who maybe never experienced combat -- but saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines by teaching them to watch and protect each other's backs.
The Vet is the wheel chair-riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.
The Vet is the career quartermaster who watched the ribbons and medals pass him by but made certain every needed bullet found it way to the front line.
The Vet is one of the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous heroes whose
uncommon valor lies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.The Vet is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket -- palsied now and aggravatingly slow --who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all day long that his wife was still alive to hold him when the nightmares come.
The Vet is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being -- a person who offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs.
by Marine Corp chaplain, Father Denis Edward O'Brian
I am thankful for the men and woman who have served and are serving now. I suggest everyone give a little back to them as they give so much to us. A good place to start would be here. Come on bloggers! Look at the time we spend on politics...Give some back to those who deserve it.
The Cathouse has a couple great posts up!!! The first one is here..then also this one.You know the Lady over there is the best.
Found a few cool things to share.
Pandora is now free.
We created Pandora so that we can have that same kind of conversation with you.
I love Pandora.My own personal DJ. The quality is great and the price is right! Check it out.
Via Appalachian Gun Trash we have Today's Community Service Link. Very funny! See how you score on this short test.
Chad directs us to a map from Redstate. The Red and the Blue. Lets look at that map long and hard. We in SWVA had a chance to get one of our own in Richmond. We only lost in Buchanan Co. We needed a greater turnout to get past the city folk supporting Kaine. Before the left brags, they need to realize that the majority of counties supported Kilgore. Even Dickenson County and the city of Norton turned out for Kilgore. Most of these counties are Democratic strongholds that knew Kilgore was the best choice for SWVA. Bristol City had a 37% turn out...Pitiful! Terry Long had a great article in the paper that in sum said: "This is not a Republican thing or a Democratic thing..this is a SWVA thing." We had the chance and we let it pass. Would a 70% turn out of helped? We will never know.
This exchange happened today.
With all this talk of Southwest Virginia pride, I am kind of shocked that no one on here finds Kilgore's campaigning tactics morally reprehensible, or disturbing, to say the least. SW Virginian's pride themselves on autonomy, self-sufficiency, and moral character. There is a fine line between good political strategy and cowardice. Not debating a third-party candidate whom most Republicans have deemed harmless in this election is good seemingly good strategy. But if Potts is so harmless, why not debate him? The mailings that Kilgore paid for and distributed last night endorsing Potts in heavily Democratic areas is underhanded. I know its good strategy, but take a look at one of these things if you can. It's cowardly. I'm not that keen on Kaine, either. But Kilgore in no way shape or form lives up to the tradition and character that gives the people of the Fightin' Ninth their reputation.
Thats your opinion. We all have them.
The mailer issue means nothing to me. Tim kaine saying
"I am a conservative" does.
F rating from the NRA does
Death penalty
And just to add, The Kaine campaign dragged Jerry's mom into it. Not one charge has stuck, not one indictment issued. Dont talk to me about SWVA morals, dirty campaign..blah blah.
I love your scripted response. Blah, blah, huh? You're probably as skilled a driver as you are a critical thinker.
my apologies. That was uncalled for. forgive that remark.
I voted at Wise Middle School and there was a good turn out this morning. I was the 222 voter at my table(last names A-F). That is good news. We used touch screen machines that are so easy and fast. I really like the last screen that shows you who you have picked, so if you are wrong you can go back and change the error.
I want to add that the Redstater is live blogging, so is Alton, and of course we all know Will is over at CC for Chad.
This endorsement means the world to me. Sis is never wrong and you should listen to what she has to say.
I had a bad night last night. I am on my lap top(new I will add) using a hospital connection to blog(They dont know it yet). Cat scan in a few min. The Nazi nurses are taking care of me. I passed out last night and went to the today I am here, it should not take long and I hope to be home by 1 or 2pm. There is this one nurse.....easy Kilo...Easy/
WoW...Did Jerry Kilgore have a great rally last night or what. You can see a video here of President Bush at the rally. As I said here, Hans would be there and he has some good things over at his site.
Thanks Hans!
It is up!
Chad has his thoughts about tomorrow. With all the late polls showing a Kaine surge and saying it will be a long night...Chad offers this
Click on over for the rest of the story.
Virginia Blog Carnival X is up.
Hans Mast has great site so check it out!!!
He also is attending the Kilgore - Bush event tonight. Look for his posts on that too!
I took a walk around my holler today.
Variant of hollow.
REGIONAL NOTE One feature of Upper Southern English and specifically of Appalachian English is its pronunciation of the final unstressed syllable in words such as hollow, window, and potato as (ər). Holler, winder, and tater are merely variant pronunciations reflected in spelling. As a noun, holler has the specific meaning in the Appalachians of “a small valley between mountains”: They live up in the holler underneath Big Bald Mountain.
I have no fear that Kilgore will carry SWVA. My holler supports him. Going door to door today I found that my nieghbers all support Jerry and all of them will vote. I talked to 18 people here and everyone supports Jerry. This makes you wonder about the recent polls huh. Everyone knows Spark It Up supports him, but it was great to see that the whole holler supports him also. I would do more, but I am not feeling well the past couple days. I have great friends taking care of me, and a couple of sisters who keep me in line. I will vote early tomorrow and I hope you will too.
And Remember
This holler supports Jerry Kilgore and you should too.
The Washington Times has a article titled A free pass for Tim Kaine? It desribes how the media bias has shown Kaine in different light than Kilgore. That should be expected right? We all know how the press has treated Kilgore.! It is a wonder that Kilgore is still in the race. That amount of bias should kill any campaign. On the hot button issue of say the death penalty, it was portrayed this way
So who was really surprised about newspaper endorsements? Heck, they endorsed Kaine long ago by printing up all that bias against Kilgore. The WT op-ed ends with this line
I agree with that 100%. This has been a battle and it ends tomorrow. Vote for Jerry Kilgore!
Jerry is in good form this morning. Check out this post.
After reading Jerry's post, ImNotEmeril has his own story.
These two posts are very good! Jerry hits the nail on the head and Alton drives it home.
Via the RGA:
WASHINGTON, DC - This morning the Virginia State Board of Elections, in an emergency meeting called to examine Tim Kaine's deceptive campaign mailer, issued the strongest possible penalty against the Kaine campaign for violation of Virginia Law, as well as referred the matter to the Commonwealth's Attorney to further investigate whether the illegal mailer was intentional, and therefore subject to criminal penalties.
The Board of Elections, in response to a complaint filed by the Republican Governors Association ("RGA") against the Kaine campaign, unanimously ruled that the disclaimer on the Kaine campaign's deceptive mailer did not meet the requirement of Virginia law to be "conspicuous." The Board of Elections then unanimously voted to issue the maximum allowable fine ($100) against the Kaine campaign. Next, the Board discussed whether the Kaine violation was intentional or "knowing" under VA law, and because of the seriousness of the violation unanimously referred it to the Commonwealth's Attorney to further investigate and potentially prosecute.
Charles Spies, the RGA's General Counsel who testified at the emergency meeting, commended the Board "for taking the strongest possible action to sanction the Kaine campaign's dishonest and deceptive campaign tactics."
RGA Executive Director Mike Pieper stated: "Virginia voters need to evaluate whether they can trust Tim Kaine and his consistently dishonest campaign. It must be especially disheartening for Kaine's supporters to see his campaign referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney on the eve of Election Day for potential prosecution."
From The RTD.
My question: Where was this compassion for victims as you fought to get convicted killers off death row?
The irony of Kaine.
More Kaine Irony Here
It is Birthday time for the lady of the house over at CHC.
This lady and her blog are a blessing to me. I hope she has a wonderful day filled with love, laughs, and lotsa hugs!
A big hug from me Sis!!!! Happy Birthday!
This via The Red Stater.
This really bothers me. Anyone who believes there is not a war on Christianity is blind.
Solana, a sort of Kofi Annan, European style, is High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Secretary General of both the European Union and the Western European Union. Note to the media, all of his titles are to be spelled in capital letters.
Very sad....
Immigration is still a hot topic, as it should be. But the best for last!!
Good stuff.
There is no other way to put it-This is a Damn Shame.
I am a long time reader and fan of the Commonwealth Conservative. I think this sucks. Chad has always allowed people to disagree and debate in the comments. Now we see personal attacks and hate e-mail.
This makes me think who would send hate e-mail to a conservative blogger? I guess this may be normal for the popular blogs, and CC is popular. I am sure it is not a bunch of young conservatives sending this hate mail. It makes think huh...Is it just a basic difference only I have noticed? I think not. There is a difference in the sides of the blogoshpere. Big difference.
This is very cool. From Tri Cities dot com.
A Rolling Thunder welcome home! With all the Cindy bullshit and anti war junk going on, I am glad to see this group take some action in this homecoming.
We all owe the troops a huge thank you and look who comes through....THE BIKERS. Learn more about Rolling Thunder here.
First over at Bacons Rebellion (who does not link Spark It Up!!!) we have this post:
Then in the comments he names Gordon Morse and the Daily press. Mr. Bacon comments:
We await the results. Next we have Chad's post called Tim Kaine and campaign finance law. Chad has an interesting take on Kaines fundraising.
These two articles are hot! I would wager we hear more about them in the near future.
A good post is up at Sic Semper Tyrannis. It seems Alito has ties to Virginia. From SST:
The more I read about Alito, the more I admire him. Lets all push to get this man a Up or Down vote.
I posted my rant about this here. That was followed by this post from Emeril, who also thought the endorsements carry little weight but are fun to analyze.
Today Chad posted this, linking to a article in The Washingtonian. The article by Harry Jaffe is here.
Jaffe contends they carry some weight, but I still think they are over rated just like union endorsements. When you read this article you will notice it is not the endorsement that matters it is the positive or negative bview the paper has put on each candidate.
For example, the Washington Post has written 58-percent positive takes on Kaine compared with 9 percent for Kilgore. The Roanoke Times’s comparison is 46 percent for Kaine, 7 percent for Kilgore
The bias this election is clear. What about good ole Larry Sabato?
Interesting indeed! I still believe people read the endoesments, but do not carry them to the polls. Newspapers carry bad news...not good news, and most people see that clearly.
Armed with the truth indeed. The post is here and it is a must read!!! Well since you are there, read this post of how
I love these big lawyer blogs that have the resourses to catch the MSM peeing on our legs. I like this blog, but my knowledge of the law is limited.
This is disgusting indeed. J.R. over at Bearing Drift has a good post up about what the democrats are complaining about. According to the post which cites MSNBC host Chris Mathews:
Racist? WOW. This is unreal, even to Mathews. Read all of JR's post here. This story is even more racist than that. The Squeaky Wheel has this. The Italians are mad at the racist remarks about Alito. I am mad too! The post by TSW has this:
I agree 100% with Bearing Drift and it is about time people see the bias.
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