News- Name it after me!
I found this very funny.
U.S. House rejects naming building after Harkin.
- Under an amendment approved in the Senate, the centers' communications building would become the "Thomas R. Harkin Global Communications Center."
The proposal was ridiculed immediately after the House vote on the conservative Drudge Report Web site as an example of lawmakers' "egos completely out of control."
The amendment was offered by Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii.
Egos out of control indeed! Check this out
- Buildings and other items in the past have been named for members of the House and Senate.
For example, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., has had numerous items named for him in his home state and elsewhere, including a dam, a telescope and a cancer research center, according to Citizens Against Government Waste.
Dont forget about the Robert Byrd Center for Racial Harmony.
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