Barack Hussein Obama and his Defenseless Plan for America
"I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems."~ Barack Hussein Obama.
I am sure our enemies are supporting this guy too.
And when you were threatened from outside, the Americans left the safety of their own homes to come and defend you. I will never apologize for the United States of America.” Duncan Hunter 11/28/07
My blog is worth $238,235.88.
How much is your blog worth?
"I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems."~ Barack Hussein Obama.
I am sure our enemies are supporting this guy too.
They powers at Dominion donated $15,000 to rebuild the tower and challenged other businesses to do the same. From The Coalfield Progress
ST. PAUL — A $15,000 corporate donation from Dominion Virginia Power yesterday kicked off major fundraising efforts to build a new High Knob observation tower.
Meeting at the site of the planned Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center, officials behind the rebuilding efforts joined Dominion representatives for the check presentation.
Noting that the check represents the largest donation to date, High Knob Tower Task Force member Rita McReynolds said she hopes other businesses in the coalfield region will follow suit.
“(High Knob tower) is a local landmark, and we’re thrilled that we’re going to be able to rebuild thanks to efforts from leaders like Dominion,” she said.
Dominion representatives challenged others in the business community to join them in helping fund the rebuilding efforts.
“We hope this will provide the spark for other businesses to donate to this great initiative,” said Dominion government affairs representative James Beazley. “Today is the day we’re going to step up, because we’re very proud to be a part of this community.”
No word on how much those Green Groups or the Bristol Herald Courier have donated. You know...They care so much about the area.
Anyone interested in helping rebuild the tower can visit the official site of the rebuilding efforts,, contact Voss at 410/490-9139, Vicky Giunta at 276/275-4163, or Gary Meade at 423/483-4808.
Great article from Star Parker-Huckabee 'Fair Tax' would clean up D.C.
Considering the wide public sympathy for "cleaning up Washington," it's too bad that more attention hasn't been given to Mike Huckabee's "Fair Tax" proposal.
There is no perfectly constructed tax, and this idea, like all, has its shortcomings. But it also has huge benefits relevant to today's concerns and warrants much more serious attention than it's getting.........The income tax, with its 45,000 pages of tax code, is now simply a sandbox for politicians and lobbyists to play in. This is what we should focus on in all the discussion about special interests, lobbyist influence and runaway growth in government.................The number of registered lobbyists in Washington doubled over the last eight years, from 17,000 to more than 34,000. A good chunk of their business is generated by proposed additions or changes to the tax code............ Ironically, the major reason the national retail sales tax gets so little attention is because insiders deem it politically impossible to achieve. Those who are part of the problem don't want the solution. The tax code is now one huge special-interest honey pot, and the swarming bees want to keep it that way.
Go read it all here.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb 27, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee accepted an invitation to participate in a Values Voter Presidential Debate to be held on Monday, March 3, 2008. Huckabee received the invitation on Wednesday, February 27, for the debate which would also include Senator John McCain and Congressman Ron Paul.
"I look forward to discussing the issues that are important to the people of America such as health care, education, energy independence, terrorism and national security," Huckabee wrote in his letter of acceptance. "I will clear my schedule to make time for this important debate, provided Sen. McCain participates, otherwise we will keep our current campaign schedule."
On Tuesday, Huckabee challenged Sen. McCain to a Lincoln-Douglas Style debate, but has yet to receive an acceptance from Sen. McCain.
The Values Voter debate is scheduled to be held at the Marriott Riverwalk, 711 E. Riverwalk St. in San Antonio, Tex.
You can sign Hucks debate challenge by clicking here. Thousands of voters are signing. McChicken anyone?
This time they are pulling heartstrings about asthma.
Air pollution from coal-fired power plants and from cars and trucks worsens the disease. So does exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke. Pollen, mold and animal dander are other culprits.
You can see the spin. They continue
Air pollution, too, can be improved through government action. As a start, the federal government should aggressively enforce existing laws that require old coal-fired power plants to be upgraded to control emissions. Under the Bush administration, this enforcement has been lax. One of the prime examples of this failure is in our backyard – the American Electric Power Co.’s coal-burning plant at Carbo in Russell County. It’s one of the nation’s dirtiest.
The Carbo Plant was built in the 1950's and has undergone extensive changes to meet current standards. I have worked at the Carbo Plant and never witnessed anyone have a asthma attack. I have golfed many rounds right down the road, fished right down the river, and have family in their 80's living near there. Aggressively enforcing laws at power plants? The editors at the BHC don't have a clue. The changes made to power plants require planning, permitting, and construction. This process can take years. On the other hand the editors can at any time make life healthier for residents by not driving pollution emitting autos, and why not stop printing the paper? Stop using paper, ink, and coal fired electricity to profit off your readership. Discontinue delivery of your paper by couriers and save some gas. Put your money where your mouth is. The BHC is also a polluter, but they choose to lay the blame on others whose services provide their very existence.
On a side note - My father has discontinued his subscription to the BHC and started taking the Kingsport Times. I received both papers until yesterday when my BHC was also discontinued.
I like this one. The sky and old courthouse look good. I am happy with the “Live & Learn” motto that many are complaining about. Wise is the home of UVA-Wise and the live and learn motto fits well. The new four part plan for Wise
■ Refining the town’s economic development strategy. “Wise will refine its existing market by recruiting new retail and active uses, creating a vibrant downtown with a mixture of uses, dining and specialty shopping.”
■ Cultivate and broaden downtown’s reach. “Wise will cultivate new markets for downtown including UVa-Wise students and faculty, new arts and cultural activities, tourism development and new residents.”
■ Enlighten people through the branding and marketing of downtown Wise. “Wise will position the community and downtown as the academic, cultural and commercial center of the coalfield region.”
■ Collaborate on organizational strategy. “The town and its partners will collaborate to systematically implement the economic restructuring plan.”(link)
For much of my life the town ignored the college. I have always felt this was a mistake. Wise is a college town and should look to other college towns for insight. The UVA campus is a short walk from downtown, but you cant sit in a beer garden and watch traffic. I don't think you can dance at any establishment in town. I know when I was younger beer and dancing were important to students. I do hope the town and its residents take this part of the plan to heart - “Wise will position the community and downtown as the academic, cultural and commercial center of the coalfield region.”
The Contemporary Conservative broke the story -SBE Chairman Nancy Rodrigues, Racial Discrimination and Retaliation on the job and now today continues with Racisim and Retaliation exposed at the Virginia State Board of Elections under the watch of Nancy Rodrigues and Jean Jansen. Maximus writes
"But Maximus, how can we have racial discrimination and then retaliation for filing the complaint under two Democrat Governors? And MAXIMUS, why hasn't the mainstream media reported on it? Because my plebes, the Dems turn a blind eye when folks engage in this activity in a Democrat Administration. We will have none of that...the MSM has been scooped by the benevolent MAXIMUS who is fearless about sharing the facts with you."
Check this story out!
I will post a picture of this dumbass when I get a chance.
COEBURN, Va. – A volunteer firefighter was released on bond this afternoon following his arrest late Tuesday on federal arson charges related to the burning of the historic High Knob Observation Tower on Halloween.
According to testimony today in federal court in Abingdon, a forest service special agent, Nicholas Owens admitted he burned the observation tower. Owens, a member of the National Guard who pulled two stints of duty in Iraq, said he was angry at his pregnant girlfriend and burned the tower out of frustration, Special Agent Larry Fisher testified.(Read it all)
I said here that it would take a special mind to do this. He was a forest agent, fire dept probie, National Guard Vet....Gives some excuse about his girlfriend? I am sure a full psych exam will be conducted.
Since WFB is gone I will say it - They should make him stand on site of the burned tower holding a sign saying "I am the dumbass that burned the tower" while visitors get to bash his G/D face.
I liked him.
In a famous exchange with Gore Vidal in 1968, Vidal said to Buckley: "As far as I am concerned, the only crypto Nazi I can think of is yourself."
Buckley replied: "Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto Nazi, or I'll sock you in your goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
Years later, in 1985, Buckley said of the incident: "We both acted irresponsibly. I'm not a Nazi, but he is, I suppose, a fag."(link)
Buckley also threatened to bash Noam Chomsky in the face. He demanded respect....or he would bash your G/D face.
H/T to Jerry From on High. A rendering of the new Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center. Click the pic
Jerry writes
"And the fact that it is being built where one of those infamous "mountaintop removal mining" sites once stood is sweet in itself."
Indeed. Everything in that picture was mined at one time or another. The rendering of the plant itself is impressive. They never had to convince me about the benefits of the plant.
The Huck has challenged John McAmnesty McCain to a debate.
Dear Senator McCain:
It's been my pleasure sharing the stage with you this past year, as we have worked to promote our ideas to lead this county. I have the deepest respect for you as a person, politician, and an American hero – and I appreciate the way you have run such an issue-based, positive campaign.
Now that the race for the Republican nomination is down to just the two of us, I believe this is the time for a real discussion about our vision for the future of this great country. I encourage you to join me in a Lincoln Douglas-style debate so that voters can better understand our views on critical issues such as health care, education, energy independence, terrorism and national security.
Our Democratic counterparts, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have had recent opportunities to underscore the differences in their positions. It seems only fitting to me that Republican primary voters are offered the same.
I look forward to working with your staff to schedule this as soon as possible. I would suggest we set the debate before the March Fourth Primaries. It is my hope that one of the TV networks would offer to sponsor such an event.
Senator, let's lead by example and get the ball rolling. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this idea and debating you in front of the American people
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas (1996-2007)
McCain stands nothing to gain from a debate....except respect from conservatives. I would be very surprised if he accepts. A comment from one of Hucks Rangers -
Republicans deserve this debate and if McCain says, “No,” I’m going to start calling him “McChicken.”~LTBTexas 02/26/2008 06:27 PM
McChicken....I love it!
The story is everywhere you look. McCain is sooo sorry.....
CINCINNATI (AP) - Republican John McCain quickly denounced the comments of a radio talk show host who while warming up a campaign crowd referred repeatedly to Barack Hussein Obama and called the Democrat a "hack, Chicago-style" politician.(LINK)
CINCINNATI -- In a possible foreshadowing of a potentially bruising general election campaign, a speaker who introduced presidential candidate John McCain at a rally here today accused Barack Obama of sympathizing with "world leaders who want to kill us" and invoked Obama's middle name -- three times calling him "Barack Hussein Obama."(LINK)
McCain apologizes for comments made at a rally? Comments the crowd(or lack of) cheered? The comments by ultra popular radio host Bill Cunningham fall right inline with what many voters believe. It is clear to me John McCain is not interested in those voters. So now a couple choice quotes from my friends at Free Republic.
Wait’ll they debate!
OBAMA: I want to commend Senator McCain for supporting amnesty. It’s a refreshing change from the racists and extremists in his party.
MCCAIN: Thank you, I agree. And I want to apologize to you and millions of Americans for the behavior of those extreme xenophobes. 02/26/2008 2:39:14 PM PST by puroresu
Indeed. Now the truth the McCain folks must accept.
Here is the real SHAME - a crowd of 400 people.
Hussein has 4000 people who wait outside his events because the Stadium inside is full. 02/26/2008 2:42:28 PM PST by The_Republican
I expect many more apologies from the McCain.
The Contemporary Conservative(TCC) has added a new writer, Maximus. His latest post State Board of Elections playing politics? is up.
"Bowling was one of six members of the House Alcoholic Beverage Control and Gaming Subcommittee who voted down eight separate smoking-ban proposals."LINK
That is fine and I commend Delegate Dan Bowling for his vote. I would like to believe he made his choice based on the fact that any business owner can make their establishment smoke free at any time they choose. No legislation or laws needed, just post the no smoking sign and begin reaping all the benefits of a nonsmoking establishment. You know, support the free market and let patrons decide, a freedom of choice type of thing..Something Bowling could be proud of. Instead we read the real reason Bowling voted the way he did was those republicans made him.
Virginia Delegate Dan Bowling offered a unique defense of his vote to kill smoking-ban legislation. The Republican leadership made him do it.
Bowling’s defense is particularly problematic because he’s a Democrat. He owes no allegiance to the Republican House leadership.
And yet, Bowling told The Voice, an alternative newspaper in Buchanan County, that he was compelled to vote as the Republicans desired.
"We were told that we were expected to vote that way because they wanted a 5-0 vote" against the bills, Bowling told The Voice.
The strong democratic leadership in Richmond. The editorial page of the Bristol Herald Courier takes his statement to the woodshed in this article. The BHC must still be mad the readers rejected their endorsements at election time. Or they could still be mad because the majority of SWVA residents want a new coal fired power plant. The BHC was for the plant before they were against it. Bowling and others went against the BHC and their wishes on this smoking ban. The BHC issued this anti smoking rant - One last shot to clear the smoky air in Virginia restaurants by Andrea (the birds aren't singing) Hopkins.
She writes at length about what a good thing this smoking ban is. Sorry Ms Hopkins, but property owners loosing rights is not a good thing. She whines that "Tennessee did it" and that the Virginia Beach Restaurant Association wants it too. She never mentions that every restaurant in Virginia can become smoke free today with the posting of a no smoking sign. No new laws are needed.
Huckabee was greeted by thousands of supporters in Plano Texas. This speech is one of his best. Click here to tune in.
From the Dallas Morning News
Huckabee dismissed as "politics" a New York Times report suggesting McCain had a relationship with a female telecommunications lobbyist that could have resulted in favoritism to her clients. McCain denied the story.
"I've campaigned now on the same stage or platform with John McCain for 14 months," Huckabee said. "I only know him to be a man of integrity. Today he denied any of that was true. I take him at his word ... I only know him for what I know him to be and that's a good decent honorable man." (LINK)
Good answer. More praise than I would gave but a good answer.
Click Here to Sign Up! Send a message to Congress.
The FairTax:
-Bolling calls Senate budget “fiscally irresponsible” and encourages House Republicans to stand strong for a more conservative budget agreement-
RICHMOND - Earlier today, the Senate of Virginia adopted a series of amendments to the state budget for the current fiscal year and a new budget for the 2008/2010 biennium. In response to this action, Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling issued the following statement:
“I am very disappointed in the budget recommendations approved earlier today by the Senate of Virginia. The Senate’s budget totally ignores our state’s slowing economy, fails to fund many of the core responsibilities of state government, and spends millions of dollars on new and expanded state programs at a time when we simply cannot afford them.
“And if that was not bad enough, the Senate budget attempts to pay for these new programs by taking excessive amounts of money from the state’s rainy day fund, redirecting $180M that had been earmarked for transportation construction to other government programs, incurring massive amounts of new state debt, and embracing overly optimistic revenue projections for the upcoming biennium.
“The Senate budget is an example of fiscal irresponsibility.
“However, I am very proud of Senate Republicans, who stood together and argued for a more fiscally responsible budget. If the budget recommended by Senate Republicans had been approved, we would have stopped the raid on the rainy day fund and transportation, eliminated funding for most of the new and expanded government programs the Democrats supported, and approved a much more fiscally responsible bond package.
“I applaud the Republican members of the Senate for standing strong in support of these important conservative principles. Even though their efforts were unsuccessful, it is clear that Republican legislators are demanding fiscal responsibility in Richmond, while our Democratic colleagues continue to act as if money grows on trees.
“These are challenging economic times for our state, and in these challenging economic times government should do what families and businesses have to do. We must learn to tighten our belts, prioritize our spending decisions and live within our means. We must also avoid the temptation to allow short term spending decisions to affect our long term fiscal stability.
“The Republican members of the House of Delegates must now continue to fight for these conservative principles and secure substantial changes to the final budget that will be approved before the end of the legislative session.”
I hope house members will fight for conservative principles.
Carry on Mike! While most of the GOP tells us everything is fine, Huck knows there are millions of people struggling to make it from week to week. Those people wanting him to drop out need to check themselves. What are they afraid of? Why are they afraid of debate, choice, and elections? Until 1192 is secured, this race is open.
This was a great show. Joe says the only thing he can find that Huckabee did in Arkansas was help the less fortunate. That he is a Matthew 25 conservative. That while many conservatives like the Huck, Beltway conservatives hate him. Imagine that, Beltway Conservatives hating that Huckabee helped the poor in Arkansas. Well worth the watch!
With the majority of Wise County residents showing up at meetings and experts testifying to the facts, I feel this deal is done. In Richmond the supporters outnumbered the moonbats protesters again.
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality heard from dozens of plant supporters. The speakers included Sen Wampler
Wampler pointed out that the state legislature has previously taken the “extraordinary step to vote for this plant because it is in the public interest of the state.” He then asked that the department “follow the law.” He also said the department should consider both sides of the issue then take action “in the most expeditious manner.”
Any delay, he said, would likely result in increased costs that will have to be carried by ratepayers when the plant does go online.
and Sen Phillip Puckett
Puckett told the DEQ that “the project is welcomed by the people of Wise County” and that “public officials have spoken very plainly of their support.”
He reminded the agency that Dominion plans for the plant include proceeding forward with the use of clean coal technology that will meet or exceed any regulations in place today, and that its construction is necessary to meet energy needs across the state and the nation. Further, he said, the plant is being built at the request of the commonwealth of Virginia because the state legislature believes it is in the best interest of Southwest Virginia and the rest of the state.
Puckett also touted the economic benefits of the facility, both during construction and once the plant is in operation.
“This is a win-win for Wise County and for Southwest Virginia,” he said.
Delegates Terry Kilgore and Dan Bowling were also there. Terry Kilgore said
"the plant would give the region an opportunity to stand apart from other areas of the country in advancing clean coal technology. Let us be on the cutting edge and let Virginia be a leader.”
Jerry Kilgore had the best quote of the day when he said
“review the science and not the rhetoric.”
INDEED! I touched on that issue in this post. The DEQ should now issue this permit in a timely fashion. The protesters have had plenty of time to offer up any concrete evidence that this plant is dangerous. They failed. They have said in not so many words that this plant will kill the children, cause birth defects, increase health problems, waste the Clinch River, and lead to the end of times. If they truly believe this I look for them to leave the county when the plant is finally permitted.
This plant economically is the best thing to happen to this county in my lifetime. It will also clean the county of gob piles of waste coal. The tax revenue will help the county address the problems of our aging schools. the coal used will insure many of us in the coal industry can work and provide for our families. My thanks go out to every one who supported this plant. The support was bipartisan from our leaders and that is something we all can be proud of. That does not happen often.
Source-Richmond hearing draws supporters of Wise power plant Published 02/19/2008 By Walter Littrell
I was contacted a week ago by a group of local Vietnam veterans. I was familiar with three of these men and pretty good friends with one of them. We met at Mosby's for drinks and conversation.
These men are all active in pro military activities. We started talking about the Presidential race this year and how disappointed we all were that Duncan Hunter never gained the support we felt he deserved. We toasted to Duncan and ordered another round. I said "I guess y'all will support John McCain now." That was the wrong thing to say. I had assumed McCain would have their support since the media touts that he receives the veterans support in exit polls. In fact Fox News said that very thing tonight concerning Wisconsin. I found out quickly that these guys hated McCain and I do mean HATE. They said he screwed the POW/MIA's in Vietnam. Time was short and we toasted the Gray Ghost and went our separate ways.
I have been looking into what these vets told me and I have found this troubling. At first I figured this was like the swift boat vets that slammed John Kerry but this is way bigger. With what little I have read about this it is no wonder these guys hated McCain. I even called every older veteran in my family and asked about McCain. They all hate him. WoW. So if you know any Vietnam vets please ask them about this and feel free to email me with your findings. Now before my GOP friends jump down my throat , I will not vote for Hillary or Obama. NO WAY. But McCain has some explaining to do if he wants my support. This video scratches the surface and will make those of you who are involved with Vietnam POW/MIA causes to research for the truth.
More from this group can be found here.
The senate passed HB908 with a 22-17 vote. The bill
Allows ABC stores to be open in any city with a population of 100,000 or more. Since 2004, ABC stores may be open, at the discretion of the ABC Board, in the Counties of Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, and Prince William, and in the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax City, Manassas, Manassas Park, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. The bill would add the Cities of Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport News, Richmond, and Chesapeake.~Richmond Sunlight
The Roll Call
YEAS--Barker, Deeds, Edwards, Herring, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsh, McEachin, Miller, J.C., Miller, Y.B., Norment, Northam, Petersen, Puckett, Puller, Saslaw, Stolle, Ticer, Vogel, Wagner, Whipple--22.
NAYS--Blevins, Cuccinelli, Hanger, Houck, Hurt, Martin, McDougle, Newman, Obenshain, Quayle, Reynolds, Ruff, Smith, Stosch, Stuart, Wampler, Watkins--17.
This bill was not popular with many of SWVA senators. When voted on in the house, my delegate DelBud voted No along with Dan Bowling, Kilgore, Carrico, Stark, Armstrong. The roll call is here.
I don't care either way. I drink, but I get what I need when the ABC is open. I do believe many people here would have a problem with Sunday sales. I would rather see the state get out of the booze business.
The Huck will be all over the morning shows.
* MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” at 7 a.m. ET.
* Fox Business Network’s “Money for Breakfast” at 7:15 am ET.
* CNN’s “American Morning” at 7:30 a.m. ET.
* Fox News Network’s “Fox and Friends” at 7:45 a.m. ET.
NOTE: Gov. Huckabee will be a guest on Bloomberg’s “Money and Politics” later in the day. (Check listings.)
It should be interesting after a tough day for him Tuesday. I am sure he will fight on and give voters a voice in the fight against John McCain. The Huck brings us an alternative to McCain. His staying in this race only helps conservatives. His presence makes McCain address issues that are important to us. If you would like to help out use the widget below. Help me raise a modest $100 dollars before Texas. Thank you!
From the Patriot Guard
Mission Plan - Thursday 21 February 2008
Welcome Home - HQ 116th Inf. Brig. Combat Team, VNG, Staunton, VA,
PGR will stage just off I-81 on Rte 250 just outside of Staunton, VA and will “insert the escort riders” into the convoy — after the VA State Police escort and before the troop buses — for a mounted escort of a procession through the streets of Staunton, ending at the Armory where PGR will form an Honor Flag Line as the troops disembark and move into the Armory to join their families, friends and comrades at arms.
The staging area has been scouted and selected to allow the incoming convoy (VASP escorts and buses) to easily exit the highway, insert the PGR riders and easily re-enter the highway — safely — with minimal time delay. We don’t want to add any delay in getting these Heroes back to their families and friends.
The RC will be in communication with the Troops on the first bus and will be alerted in time for the riders to mount and fire up the Iron Horses — ready to join the convoy as it stops for “insertion”.
Staging: 1200-1215 hours Augusta Co-Op Access Road
Augusta Co-Op parking area
Briefing 1215 hoursRide Captain: Dave “SilverBack” Slone 301-758-5608
Directions: Staging - Augusta Co-Op Access Road - Off Rte 250 West of I-81
Read it all here.
It is good to finally see the real experts talk facts about the new coal fired power plant. We did not have to hear the fact twisting rhetoric of the handful of anti coal mining lunatics telling the majority of Wise County residents they know what is best for them. We did not have to hear a biased Bristol Herald Courier editorialists from another state pull at heartstrings because the birds were not singing on a mountain top in the middle of February. Kathy Still's reporting is excellent as usual. Her article ~Professor defends Dominon's technology as 'very clean'~ reveals the facts about the new power plant.
The speakers were Dr. Michael Karmis. He is the director of the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research at Virginia Tech. He is also a professor with Virginia Tech’s Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering. Dr Karmis was joined by Dr. Richard Wolfe. Dr Wolfe is a coal scientist from Washington County. The best the anti coal activists could do was send in a lawyer, Cale Jaffe from the Southern Environmental Law Center in Charlottesville. You read that right my friends. A anti coal lawyer attempting to argue clean coal technology with two nationally known experts with doctorates in their field.
The months of spin about how dirty and hazardous the new plant would be ended. How did it go?
Dr. Michael Karmis, a professor with Virginia Tech’s Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering, said despite critics claims that better technology exists, the circulating fluidized bed technology works best because of the plant’s location in the coalfields and because the General Assembly wants new coal-fired plants to be ready to capture and store carbon emissions when the technology is created. The legislature also wants new coal-fired plants to benefit the region’s economy, he said.
“It is a very clean technology, no question about it,” Karmis said.
But Cale Jaffe, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center in Charlottesville, disagrees.
“It’s a horrible fit for carbon capture,” Jaffe said of the CFB technology Dominion plans to use at the Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center if it gets permits to build the facility.
It makes you smile to see a lawyer arguing with a scientist from Virginia Tech.
Karmis, who is working on a piece of the federal Department of Energy’s national project to find ways to capture and store carbon emissions rather than releasing the greenhouse gas into the air, said CFB remains the best choice for the 584-megawatt plant.
Now Dr Wolfe
"a coal scientist from Washington County who has worked for years on coal technology, agrees that CFB would work best for the Dominion plant.
“This technology provides both the most advanced environmental protection and the lowest price for electricity production,” Wolfe said. He added that studies have shown IGCC plants “come up short in a lot of areas” and the commercial use of the technology in electricity generation at an acceptable cost won’t be ready for almost another decade."
I only touched a small part of Ms Still's report so go read it all here. The facts about this plant are on record. The anti coal lies about how dirty this plant is has been proven false. For months time has been wasted listening to these protests and now they have been shown to be what most Wise County residents knew from the beginning-FALSE. The experts have spoken. A lawyer has returned to Charlottesville, and the birds are singing in February here in Wise County. Build the plant that hard working people of Wise County want.
The story is breaking! Isophorone has the scoop. this is big.
HAVANA (Reuters) - Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on Tuesday that he will not return to lead the country as president or commander-in-chief, retiring as head of state 49 years after he seized power in an armed revolution.
Castro, 81, who has not appeared in public for almost 19 months after undergoing stomach surgery, said in a message to the communist nation that he would not seek a new presidential term when the National Assembly meets on February 24.
"To my dear compatriots, who gave me the immense honor in recent days of electing me a member of parliament ... I communicate to you that I will not aspire to or accept -- I repeat not aspire to or accept -- the positions of President of Council of State and Commander in Chief," Castro said in the statement published on the Web site of the Communist Party's Granma newspaper. (LINK To WAPO)
As we say down south...Bye. Drinks are on me.
“In 1963, John F. Kennedy was murdered in Texas by a fervent admirer of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. In 2008, a large Cuban flag emblazoned with the image of Che Guevara, Castro’s brutal henchman, is prominently displayed in a campaign volunteer office in Houston. Obama has been widely compared to JFK, most notably by the late president’s brother and daughter. President Kennedy, a stalwart anticommunist, despised Castro and his gang of totalitarian thugs. But when word broke last week that Obama’s supporters in Houston work under a banner glorifying Che, the campaign’s reaction was to brush it off as an issue involving volunteers, not the official campaign. After two days of controversy, the campaign issued a statement calling the flag ‘inappropriate’ and saying its display ‘does not reflect Senator Obama’s views.’ Would JFK have reacted so mildly?... That this sadistic thug’s face also adorns the office of a U.S. presidential candidate’s supporters is appalling and disgraceful. That the candidate couldn’t bring himself to say so is even worse.” —Jeff Jacoby (LINK)
As if the Global Poverty Act wasn't bad enough. Disgusting.
Wisconsin Likely Republican Primary Voters | Feb 6-7 | Feb 15-16 |
Huckabee | 4% | 42% |
McCain | 51% | 46% |
Paul | 7% | 4% |
Romney | 29% | out |
Someone else | 1% | 1% |
Undecided | 8% | 7% |
American Research Group, Inc. Margin of Error: ± 4
There is a world of difference in this poll and Rasmussen. One can only conclude McCain will be very very strong.
Hucks Rangers made 25,000 live calls to Wisconsin voters today. I had many saying yes they would vote for Mike. A lot of people were saying this was the first live call they had received. Plenty of Robo calls, but they all seemed impressed that a volunteer was calling long distance to support a candidate. And yes...many asked where I was from with this accent.
Win or lose, the experience of being a Ranger is awesome. I have never seen a grass roots movement like there is for Mike Huckabee. Volunteers making 25,000 calls in 12 hours on their own dime is more than impressive. This race is not over and Huckabee will fight on until the magic number is hit. I urge you to get involved. Sign up to be a Ranger. If you can spare a few dollars please do. It is Huckabee or McCain. McCain thinks Hillary would be a good president. I think Mike Huckabee would be better than both of them.
We know for a fact that this bill will cost America $845 billion above and beyond what America already spends on global aid in the next thirteen years. America will be locked in to giving .7 percent of the U.S. gross national product. That in itself is scary enough, but there is way more to Obama's bill. It also locks us into United Nations Millennium Summit. Cliff Kincaid from Accuracy in Media is all over this bill. He writes-(Underlined by me)
The bill institutes the United Nations Millennium Summit goals as the benchmarks for U.S. spending.
"It is time the United States makes it a priority of our foreign policy to meet this goal and help those who are struggling day to day," a statement issued by supporters, including Obama, said.
Specifically, it would "declare" that the official U.S. policy is to eliminate global poverty, that the president is "required" to "develop and implement" a strategy to reach that goal and requires that the U.S. efforts be "specific and measurable."
Kincaid said that after cutting through all of the honorable-sounding goals in the plan, the bottom line is that the legislation would mandate the 0.7 percent of the U.S. GNP as "official development assistance."
"In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that (U.N.) declaration commits nations to banning 'small arms and light weapons' and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention of the Rights of the Child," he said.
Those U.N. protocols would make U.S. law on issues ranging from the 2nd Amendment to energy usage and parental rights all subservient to United Nations whims.
Kincaid also reported Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the "Millennium Project," confirms a U.N. plan to force the U.S. to pay 0.7 percent of GNP would add about $65 billion a year to what the U.S. already donates overseas.
And the only way to raise that funding, Sachs confirms, "is through a global tax, preferably on carbon-emitting fossil fuels," Kincaid writes.
On the forum run by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, one writer reported estimates of taxes from 35 cents to $1 dollar a gallon on gasoline would be needed.(LINK)
This ladies and gentleman is the Barack Obama vision for America. WND called Obama's office and the others who support this bill....No comments.
Bring on The Fair Tax. The more I learn about Mike Huckabee the more I like. It is no wonder he won every county and city in Virginia's Fighting Ninth District. I have noticed that some people try to use his tax record as Governor against him. They say he ruined the GOP in Arkansas. I say and the record shows that he won all four elections in Arkansas against a Clinton powered Democratic party. The good people of Arkansas voted for Mike Huckabee four different times. It is pretty clear the nay sayers are not in touch with what the majority of voters in Arkansas wanted. They chose Mike Huckabee then and they chose him this year in the primary.
Mike Huckabee: 60.3% (WINNER)
John McCain: 20.4%
Mitt Romney: 13.6%
Ron Paul: 4.8%
The Hucks bold support of the Fair Tax is impressive against the man who voted against the Bush Tax Cuts.
“Not only did Senator McCain oppose these cuts, he aligned himself with the likes of Ted Kennedy in his rhetorical attacks in 2001 and 2003. Four years later, American taxpayers still have not heard the Senator disavow his misguided statements and votes.”(LINK)
I don't have a problem with opinion page columnists writing what they feel. I do have a problem with shoddy reporting and one sided opinions that lack facts. The Bristol Herald Courier and Andrea Hopkins are examples of this. Her recent (there have been several) anti coal editorial reeks of bad or no research. You can read it here.
Ms Hopkins tours the county with a anti coal activist and gleefully points out the destruction of strip mining. She looks at a active mine on Black Mountain and complains she does not hear birds singing or see animals moving. A insightful observation for February. I wish I had a nickel for every bird, deer, and varmint I have taken on and around mining sites. I am sure her tour guide did not point out all the reclaimed land they passed to see this active mine. I am sure it was not pointed out that most all of the developed land around here was once stripped of coal. Most all of the shopping centers and the new businesses are built on former mine sites. There are now housing projects, farms, and businesses occupying former mine sites. Sure, there are some ugly remains from the strip mines of years ago. That all changed with reclamation laws. To view a active job and impose judgment is absurd. When the job is complete and reclamation is in place is the time to judge.
The real absurdity about this whole thing is that strip mining is on the way out and has been for years. The vast majority of the remaining coal in Wise County is not surface coal. This information is readily available to the public and Ms Hopkins. It is a shame she does not report that info. It is a shame she looks at one active job and forgoes the many she drove by and never noticed because people live and do business on those reclaimed sites.
The reality of this was shown at the last meeting in St Paul concerning the new Power Plant I wrote about here. Over 600 coal and power plant supporters were present. They turned in 1200 more letters of support for the power plant and the coal that will feed it. These supporters are not newspaper editors from Tennessee or Sierra Clubbers from California, but Wise County residents who live, work and raise families here. We breathe the same air and drink the same water. We love this county as much as anyone. We understand the coal industry and the benefits provided by it. While the BHC and Ms Hopkins love to take the tour with the handful of residents who oppose mining and the power plant, they ignore the overwhelming majority of residents who disagree with them. Overwhelming majority is a understatement. So if the majority of the hard working tax paying residents of Wise County support mining and the power plant why cant they? It is becoming clear that this is really about their hatred of Dominion Power masked by this false sense of caring for what is best for the people in Wise County.
It is good to see my DelBud is on the ball looking out for the people in his district. His HB1151 addresses a pressing issue here at home.
Corporate tax subtraction and sales tax exemption for space flight entities. Provides a corporate income tax subtraction for any gain recognized as a result of (i) passenger ticket sales on a suborbital spaceflight and (ii) resupply services contracts entered with NASA. It also extends the current sales and use tax exemption to include the sale of spaceflight services or activities to spaceflight participants and it extends the sunset date for the exemption to July 1, 2015.
Are you kidding me? Beam me up Scotty. For the record this bill is dead. To DelBud's credit, he did introduce HB1147 that increases penalties on dope dealers and online pharmacies, doctors, etc.
Controlled substances; nonresident pharmacies; penalties. Adds new penalties and increases existing penalties related to controlled substances including: (i) a medical practitioner wrongly prescribing or dispensing a Schedule I or II drug shall be imprisoned for not less than five nor more than 40 years and fined not more than $500,000, and upon a second or subsequent conviction, may be sentenced to imprisonment for life and be fined not more than $500,000, and for Schedule III through V drugs, shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony; (ii) a pharmacist violating any provision of the Drug Control Act shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony for the first offense, and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent offense; and (iii) any person wrongfully obtaining a drug through fraud, forgery, misrepresentation, etc., shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony for the first offense and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent offense, rather than the current Class 6 felony for all such offenses. Also adds new reporting and approval requirements for nonresident pharmacies doing business over the internet and via electronic mail.
I can support that. As far as I can tell, this bill is the only legislation he introduced worth a dang to the people here in district. I will have more on that later. Will someone please run against this guy and get serious about helping the people in this district. I urge my local readers to check out what DelBud does by clicking here. We pay him for this?
Well maybe he should be her running mate. I find another reason to dislike McCain. If he thinks a socialist like her would make a good president then what about Obama Sen McCain? I guess he is a fuzzy peach too.
In Virginia you need to complete a Hunter Safety class to get a hunting license. I had never given this issue much thought because this class was taught in High School when I attended. The issue was brought up to me this fall by a friend who's wife was interested in hunting. He complained about her having to obtain this permit to get her license. There are classes everywhere and they are free, but to a married couple with kids attending can be inconvenient. I will add you can take the class online if you choose too.
Both HB1175 and SB617 address that problem with a apprentice hunting license. The summery from Richmond Sunlight for SB617 reads
Apprentice hunting license. Authorizes the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to issue an apprentice hunting license. This license would be issued in lieu of the current state resident or nonresident basic hunting license. It is a one-time license that expires one year from the date of purchase and does not require the licensee to complete a hunter education course. The fee for obtaining the license would be $10 for residents and $20 for nonresidents. The purpose of the bill is to extend limited hunting privileges to persons interested in learning about hunting sports.
Great idea! I am sure there are some folks that oppose this. I have family and friends who think the whole licensing to hunt and fish is ridiculous. In my opinion the money I pay for the licenses is the best entertainment deal in the world. The fees in Virginia are reasonable and unless the funds are raided by the governor they go to the enrichment of the sports. For a Mother or father to be able to teach their kids to hunt instead of having them take a class is priceless. I hope this passes is short order.
We have all read that headline before, but this report is different. The researchers have actually brought evidence off Mount Ararat for testing.
The experts claimed it to be a part of a long structure they had unearthed during their February-August 2007 exploration. “It is for the first time in the history of the Ark search that an exploration team is getting a material evidence and graphic documentation. This makes it not only a the significant breakthrough in the Ark-search, but one that is supported with the most substantial evidence in recent history,” the panel said.(LINK)
Very cool. I look forward to reading more about this.
On a different note, researchers in Florida are looking for that elusive Skunk Ape. They say it is a bigfoot type of thing.
Deep in the swamps of Florida, something is stirring. Witnesses to its haunting presence speak of howls in the night, unexplained footprints in the mud and glimpses between the trees of a fiery-eyed creature that reeks of death.
Now, a 30-strong team from The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) has embarked on an expedition to try to flush out the mighty skunk ape - the Sunshine State's answer to the abominable snowman. They have thermal imaging equipment, video cameras and microphones poised to capture the secrets of the hairy, 7ft-tall hominid with yellowing teeth and dubious personal hygiene. (LINK)
"yellowing teeth and dubious personal hygiene"...Sounds like a smelly hippy to me. May I suggest looking in the dead of night, holding big bags to catch it with, and sticks to beat it into submission. Here Snipe Snipe Skunk Ape Here Skunk Ape.
The NASCAR season begins today with the Fiftieth running of the Daytona 500. A little history can found here.
I will still be rooting for Jeff Burton. Wise Girl, well who knows who she will decide to support. It was Jamie at first, then Jeffy G....I would not be surprised if she does not join the Dale Jr nation bandwagon. My suggestions of supporting Denny Hamlin seem to be ignored.
Lets Go Racing!
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