
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Movies & Pizza
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Something Special
My uncle who is fighting colon cancer is doing well. He is home and resting trying to heal as fast as possible. He will start treatments as soon as he heals from surgery.
I applied for a job at UVA today, so keep your fingers crossed. I will be posting some pictures of my garden soon. Boy how it has grown.
In the news Fahrenheit 9/11 set records in New York, it figures. The movie opens Friday in Abingdon. I am curious if it sets records there. People think Fahrenheit 9/11 is the truth and The Passion Of Christ is a fantasy. Go figure.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
|Tuesday, June 22, 2004
My Baby is Back
In the news they killed the Korean hostage. I had hoped they would not do it because Korea was willing to pull out as the terrorist requested. Again, this shows the evil we are fighting.
To anyone going to see Mr. Moores movie check this out.
Monday, June 21, 2004
No Rain!
My baby doll comes home tomorrow and I am excited to see her. I think she is bringing home another cat. I do not know how the one she has now (booboo) will take to that. She says that booboo is my cat. I played rough with him as a kitten and he is very aggressive. He has his loving moments but most of the time he wants to bite you. I will post a pic of him soon.
In the news: Fahrenheit 9/11. I think it is nothing more than a one sided view designed to take Bush down. Mr. Moore has an agenda and I hate to see a movie that is one sided being called a documentary. This is not what the country needs. I hope and pray that Americans see through the hype and do not use this propaganda to decide on who they vote for. Bush has made mistakes. We did rush into this war. But hindsight is always 20/20. We must stand tall and defeat the terror!
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Fathers Day
My father has always been there for me. He never gave me the extras in life, but I always had what I needed. Today was a great day for me and I hope it was for him too. We went to church and had fellowship. When we returned home, we walked to the garden and he picked up some apples that had fallen off the trees’. I grilled his favorite chicken, and made cornbread salad. We ate and watched the race together. ( in between naps ) I never appreciated my father until I became an adult. As I watched him walking today in the garden, his slow pace and hands clasped behind his back, I thanked God for him. I will never be half the man my father is.
Friday, June 18, 2004
They did it again
We need to step up the war on terror. Bush needs to go before congress and declare war on terrorists’ and any country that supports them. We as Americans need to unite as one, forget the politics, as the terrorist will kill us no matter which party we support. The planes on 9/11 were not partisan, they killed all. I am tired of hearing about abuse of prisoners and what a boob Bush is. This only hurts our effort and makes us look weak in the terrorists eyes. We are facing a new type of war against armies that play by no rules, we should also throw the rule book out!
Moving on, I will miss Ray Charles but his music LIVES ON!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
06/15/04 12:45am
Monday, June 14, 2004
I wish I was in Rose Hill with Shannon and her family, but it is not possible. She would not talk to me anyway, but I would like to pay my respects.
I have some thoughts on the news. I saw Bill Clinton asleep at Reagan’s funeral. I was ashamed, but really not surprised. The bad part about that was there are thousands of people who would have loved to be there, but could not, and that seat could have been given to someone who appreciated it. What a class act!
Sunday, June 13, 2004
|I am sorry for my mistake. I am sorry for her family, as I really love them. She does not see things as I do. I know that this could be the last time we ever speak, or our eye’s meet. I love her and pray for her families comfort. I hope she calls and is safe. My heart just drove away.
My girlfriends grandfather past away Saturday, so it is a sad time for her and her family. I had only met him once and he seemed very nice. I guess in hindsight we should have called him or sent a card. Now, all we can do is support and pray for his family, and offer help as needed. I pray for their comfort. I wish I had been able to take Shannon there to see him. She worried about him and her father Jim a lot. I was not able to take her because of my financial condition. I will never forget this and how I have robbed her of seeing him. To Shannon, I AM SORRY!
This weekend has been a trying time for all of us. I am glad it is about over to say the least. I made several wrong decisions and hurt a close friends feelings. Pray for me and my family.
My uncle has surgery Tuesday. I have spoken to him everyday and helped him in many ways around his home. I will not wait for something bad to happen and then try to make up for it afterwards. We have all seen that happen before and it is easy to spot. People feel guilty they did nothing before sickness, then try to make up for it after it is too late. I did that with my grandmother, and it impresses no one. If the worst does happen, I feel good that I have supported him in good times and bad.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Good Day's & Bad Day's
On the good side, my girlfriend had a medical procedure this morning and came through it with great success. In fact, she called to say she and her Mom are going out to eat and do some shopping. I am glad she is ok and hopefully having some fun shopping. The main thing is I did not have to go! (LoL)
I worked in the yard weed eating and tinkered in the garden and shop trying to keep busy and clear my thoughts. I watched my Father ride his mower and inspected the apple trees, not many this year. The picture below is from today of the garden, enjoy!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Family & A True American
Monday, June 07, 2004
|Saturday, June 05, 2004
Kerry vs. Bush pt.2
I am looking at two things in my president: A goal for America, and this nation’s security.
I will have to support Bush as Kerry has no known goals. Bush will keep our military strong. I don not care what the rest of the world thinks of the USA. I do not want the U.N. to provide our security. A WW2 vet told me once “there is not a country in the world that would not attack us today if they thought they could win.” I believe that. We are hated for our freedom, our values, and our success as a nation. We have come far in a little over 200 years. We did not get this far by listening to the U.N. Bush had the guts to say to heck with what the world thinks. He has made mistakes, as all have. He will make more as we all will. In this time of war, I do not see voting for the most liberal candidate in the race. Kerry, the catholic that’s supports abortion? His greatest supporters are some scary people. Look up George Soros and what he stands for. I don’t want his agenda for America. No morals, no rules. It is scary.
I will vote for Bush. I want one nation, under God. I cannot bring myself to vote for a man who is funded by Soros. As a people, we need rules, morals, and ethics. This, not thumbs, separates us from animals. Bush may not be the smartest man but I believe he has a mission to keep this country safe. Kerry stands for anything he panders after. He offers criticism, but no answers. Bush tells us to pray while Kerry supports abortion.
In closing, I ask; who would the terrorist’s support? Whom would France want? I want a man that they hate. A man they fear. I want George W. Bush.
Friday, June 04, 2004
|Thursday, June 03, 2004
Kerry vs. Bush
Before I vent on this subject I should give a little information on my political views. I am not a democrat or a republican, as neither party has helped me much. I am from the south, a small town of less than 3500 people. I was raised in a protestant home with Christian values and morals. I am all for personal freedoms, but I don’t want drugs legal, homosexual marriage, or abortions.
First off is drugs, been there, done that, got a tattoo not a t-shirt. Legalizing drugs would be a form of genocide against all compulsive people. Some people have no problem with moderation, yet others can not stop. This is the same as with tobacco, alcohol, food, etc. Making it easier to obtain is not the answer.
Gay marriage should not be legal. I will keep my religious beliefs out of this and just say that it does not happen in nature. People are NOT born gay, it is a learned behavior. Plants pollinate male to female, animals reproduce male and female. Maybe the dinosaurs turned gay. I don’t know, but I have never seen gay animals.
Abortion is murder, plain and simple. To all the supporter’s I ask: “Do you wish you had been aborted?” If you answer yes and you think life sucks’ you can solve that at any time you choose it to end. If you answered no, then show the unborn the same respect. Again, this is not a religious issue, but an issue of responsibility. If you are responsible with your body there is no reason for abortion. I find it very ironic that the same people who support abortion are against animal testing, logging of forests, and capital punishment. They will fight for a trees’ right to grow, yet abort a human life. The soul who was destined to cure cancer, bring world peace, or explain the unknown was probably aborted.
Now about Kerry and Bush….more on that later. (THINK)
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
A time to say thank you!
Today we are at war, in a country far away. Most volunteered to fight a war far from home, to free less fortunate people from harsh dictatorship. I wonder will these men come home with the same attitudes as the WW2 vets? I hope so. Will they never ask for a thank you and wait over 50 years for a tribute? Will we judge them on the acts of a few bad prison guards?
Like it or not, people in Iraq are better off. Children are not starving and women are not so badly oppressed. That is what Americans do and my friends that is a lot to be proud of. Yes, we should all say THANK YOU!