Noon Jam - Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimmie Vaughan
Check that bad hat!
And when you were threatened from outside, the Americans left the safety of their own homes to come and defend you. I will never apologize for the United States of America.” Duncan Hunter 11/28/07
My blog is worth $238,235.88.
How much is your blog worth?
The recent settlement throws $150,000 to the DMME. What is so sad is OxyContin is a wonderful painkiller for those in need. The abusers have ruin that.
The Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
The Division of Mines within the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy will use the funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of miners who have failed screenings for prescription drugs, or who voluntarily admit to a prescription drug problem, and enter into treatment or rehabilitation agreements with the Board of Coal Mining Examiners. The funds will assist the Division of Mines in implementing legislation passed in 2007 with a purpose of controlling substance abuse, including abuse of prescription drugs such as OxyContin, in the coal mining industry. This legislation was sponsored by Sen. Puckett and Del. Bill Carrico (R-Independence). The legislation was supported by Sen. Wampler, Del. Bud Phillips (D-Dickenson County) and Del. Kilgore.
All three agencies will work together to coordinate their efforts so that they can maximize use of the funds and avoid duplication of efforts.
The civil settlement in May 2007, from which these grant funds came, addressed claims that Purdue engaged in extensive off-label marketing of OxyContin and failed to adequately disclose abuse and diversion risks associated with the drug in violation of state civil consumer protection laws. In addition to the $19.5 million that Purdue agreed to pay to the states involved, the settlement also:
- Prohibits Purdue from marketing OxyContin in a manner that is inconsistent with the FDA approved package insert for the drug;
- Prohibits Purdue from misrepresenting OxyContin’s potential for abuse, addiction or physical dependence;
- Prohibits Purdue from marketing OxyContin for “off-label” purposes – those beyond the FDA approved indications and usages for the drug;
- Requires Purdue to have recipients of grants relating to OxyContin publicly disclose the existence of funding from Purdue in connection with any resulting study or research report; and
- Prohibits Purdue from basing sales representatives’ compensation exclusively on the volume of OxyContin sales, and requires Purdue to take into account in performance evaluations of sales representatives that they inform prescribers about OxyContin’s potential for abuse and diversion.
The settlement also requires Purdue to maintain an OxyContin abuse and diversion detection program that Purdue established internally to identify potential abuse or diversion of OxyContin. Under the program, Purdue sales representatives are required to report prescribing activities that might indicate abuse or diversion of the drug. Upon identification of potential abuse or diversion, Purdue is required to conduct an internal inquiry and take further steps as may be appropriate, such as ceasing the promotion of Purdue products to the prescriber or reporting such potential abuse or diversion to medical, regulatory or law enforcement authorities.
This is why I subscribe to the Kingsport Times News and not that Bristol paper. From the Editorial page at KTN.
A Virginia Senate committee has passed along for full Senate vote a bill requiring “private dealers” at gun shows to perform background checks on buyers. Advocates contend the bill closes a loophole in state law, but this bill will do nothing to make Virginians safer from gun crime.
It also happens to be blatantly unconstitutional.
A licensed firearms dealer has to conduct exactly the same background check at a gun show as in his primary business location. Private sales at gun shows are protected under the Second Amendment, which explicitly permits the sale or trade of weapons in a face-to-face transaction. And that’s as it should be.
The ability of individuals to privately sell that extra 12-gauge they inherited from Grandpa to a fellow hunter is perfectly harmless. And through the years literally millions of guns have been bought and traded in this fashion.
Indeed, some abuse this protection, and the volume of their private firearms sales marks them as gun dealers in all but name. Anyone selling dozens of guns at a time is a dealer and should be licensed. Likely, these individuals are not only violating state and federal firearms laws, but also failing to report their income.
Licensed gun dealers can provide a real service if they see these private sellers in show after show by reporting them to the proper authorities. After all, they have a direct economic interest in stopping such questionable transactions.
Similarly, there’s nothing to stop the attorney general or commonwealth’s attorneys from investigating private firearms sellers who appear repeatedly at gun shows. These considerations aside, the faith that advocates have in the efficacy of background checks is puzzling, if not seriously misplaced.
In the wake of the Cho Seung Hui rampage at Virginia Tech in 2007 that claimed 32 victims, the FBI reported Virginia led the nation in the number of mental health records it shared with that agency. Records showed at the time Cho committed his crime, the commonwealth had provided approximately 80,500 of the 165,800 such records held by the FBI. Red-faced officials explained that the failure to identify Cho was an oversight.
No matter what euphemism proponents of this legislation use, the protections afforded private citizens by the Second Amendment cannot fairly be characterized as a loophole. Even if this law passes, it will be successfully challenged and ultimately overturned on constitutional grounds.
Legal hurdles aside, logic also reveals that if filling out a background check reliably prevented homicidal maniacs from gaining firearms, Cho Seung-Hui’s victims would be alive today. But then, Cho didn’t obtain his weapons from a private individual at a gun show.
He bought them from a licensed gun dealer in a transaction that perfectly comported with federal law.
Closing the so-called gun show loophole is as unnecessary as it is unconstitutional. Passing such a law would foster the false impression that the average Virginian was safer merely because a new database of private gun sales exists.
Virginia lawmakers should resist the public pressure to do the expedient thing and reject this bill.
Well said. The loophole is a myth and "Closing the so-called gun show loophole is as unnecessary as it is unconstitutional." pretty well sums it up.
He is Wise County, Virginia's sheriff and my sheriff. Ronnie Oakes has made our sheriffs department and staff top notch, but they need our help. this is Sheriff Oakes LTE from The Coalfield Progress (Subscription required and we like it that way)
Posted: Friday, January 30, 2009 1:54 am
All sheriffs in the Commonwealth of Virginia are targeted for a 7 percent budget reduction in Gov. Kaine’s proposed budget.
Statewide, according to a survey conducted by the Virginia Sheriffs Association, this will mean a personnel reduction of at least 310 deputy sheriffs’ positions, resulting in the reduction of public safety services across the Commonwealth.
In our county, this will mean the loss of four deputy sheriff positions. The loss of these deputies will affect services for law enforcement and court services.
At a time when most Virginians are anxious and concerned about the condition of our economy and the financial woes affecting Wall Street and ultimately their employers, Virginia cannot afford to add to their burden by making them less safe!
We must continue to provide the level of public safety our citizens deserve and expect. I am asking all citizens of Wise County and the city of Norton to contact their local legislators and ask that the 7 percent reduction proposed by Gov. Kaine be restored so that we can continue to function effectively.
R.D. Oakes
Wise County sheriff
Just what is Kaine thinking? Wise County cant afford to lose four deputies. Under Warner and Kaine we are now faced with loosing needed policemen.....
What can say...It's Wise By God Virginia!
Wise: No alcohol sales on Sunday
WISE — The bar at Reno’s Roadhouse is quiet on Sundays, and glasses in the restaurant hold nothing but water, tea or soda.
That’s because the town of Wise prohibits the sale of alcohol on Sundays, both on-premises and off-premises.
And for now, that’s how things will stay — in a 3-2 vote Tuesday night, Wise Town Council opted not to change its rules.
Meanwhile, up the road in the city of Norton, ordinances that made Sunday alcohol sales illegal were lifted in 2005. And that’s precisely where customers are taking their alcohol-related business on Sundays, according to Reno’s owner Terry Fitzer and Senior General Manager Frank Meredith.
The trouble is, they’re taking their food dollars with them, Fitzer pointed out in a Jan. 15 letter to Wise council. And that means the town is losing tax revenue, Fitzer noted.
Reno’s sees a drop in revenue on Sundays, according to Fitzer. He also claimed that the restaurant, which currently employs about 40 people, would have to hire new employees if Sunday sales were allowed.
I will never understand Wise giving up those needed tax dollars. I mean UVA-Wise students surely need food and spirits on Sunday? the taxes collected of them alone would be a nice chunk of change. Not to mention a few jobs. Those voting against changing this blue law...
Council members who voted against the proposed ordinance change — Erra Sutherland, Teresa Adkins and Mayor Caynor Smith — didn’t go into great detail about why they opposed it.
Sutherland said she had concerns with the notion of selling alcohol until 2 a.m. on Sunday morning. “I’m not really against Sunday afternoons, but not 2 a.m. — I think that’s too late to be selling alcohol. And I think the more people drink, the more accidents there are.”
"You'll shoot your eye out kid" is what comes to mind....Ok, never mind. How many restaurants and grills has this law cost the town of Wise? I am pretty conservative but it's not like the law hinders peoples ability to get food and booze on Sunday because two minutes down the road in Norton they are serving it up and taxing the heck out of it.
I know the people here in SWVA appreciate the work Bob McDonnell and John Brownlee (he goes unmentioned in the press release?) on this case.
Abingdon- Attorney General Bob McDonnell traveled to Abingdon this afternoon to award more than $650,000 in OxyContin civil settlement grants to three agencies for use in Southwest Virginia. The Attorney General held a press conference at the Virginia Highlands Airport at which he was joined by Senator Phillip Puckett (D-Russell), Senator William Wampler (R-Bristol), and Delegate Terry Kilgore (R-Gate City).
The grant funds are the result of the civil settlement by 26 states and the District of Columbia with Purdue Pharma L.P regarding the promotion and marketing of the opioid pain medication OxyContin. The Virginia Office of the Attorney General was one of seven offices that led the multistate investigation leading to the settlement.
The grants were awarded today to the following three organizations:
- The Appalachian Substance Abuse Coalition for Prevention and Treatment: $200,000.
- The Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy: $150,000
- The Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services: $306,413.80
Further details on the funding recipients and how the funds will be utilized can be found below.
Attorney General McDonnell noted, “The tragedy of OxyContin addiction and abuse has touched every city and county in Southwest Virginia. According to the State Medical Examiner in Roanoke, from 1996 until 2005 228 Virginians in this region lost their lives due to oxycodone overdoses. Oxycodone is the main ingredient in OxyContin. Many others lost their jobs, their families, and their futures. OxyContin is so highly addictive that for many, once they started taking the drug, there was no turning back.”
McDonnell continued, “With these funds, we have the opportunity to assist these individuals and their families. The grants awarded today will help those with OxyContin addiction and dependency issues to get their lives back on track. OxyContin abuse has ravaged this beautiful part of Virginia. This is a step forward in ending this tragedy. ”
I don't think there is a family around here that has not been touched by the oxycodone tragedy.
The support for Brownlee is growing. Ninth District Republican Chair Michelle Jenkins writes ;
"The people of Southwest Virginia have seen John Brownlee in action during the last decade, and they like what they see. As our United States Attorney, John was a tireless fighter for justice, government integrity and public safety. John is a proven conservative and an experienced prosecutor who is uniquely qualified to be our next Attorney General."
Indeed we have seen him in action! Brownlee is the best candidate for AG in my memory. He will serve us well - And Justice for All. You will notice Unit Chair of Wise County Ben Bogg's is now on board!
New Team Brownlee members from the Ninth CD include:
ALLEGHANY / COVINGTON: Loren Newman, Unit Chair
BLAND COUNTY: Jack Morgan, Unit Chair; Rebecca Johnson, Clerk of Court; Sheriff Jerry Thompson
BRISTOL CITY: Joyce Kistner, Unit Chair
BUCHANAN COUNTY: Jerry Lester, Unit Chair; Tamara Neo, Commonwealth's Attorney
CARROLL COUNTY: Marion Alderman, former Unit Chair; Gregory Goad, Commonwealth's Attorney
CRAIG COUNTY: Don Bishop, Unit Chair
DICKENSON COUNTY: Randy Davis, Unit Chair
FLOYD COUNTY: Valencia Kurkek, Vice Unit Chair; Bob Smith, Vice Unit Chair
GALAX CITY: Mike Stevens, Unit Chair
GILES COUNTY: Mae Midkiff, Unit Chair
GRAYSON COUNTY: Delegate Bill Carrico
LEE COUNTY: Damie Carter, Unit Chair
MONTGOMERY COUNTY: Patty Manthe, Unit Chair
NORTON CITY: Carol Caruso, Unit Chair
PATRICK COUNTY: Beth Stanley, Unit Chair
PULASKI COUNTY: Jessee and Debbie Ring
RADFORD CITY: Sheriff Mark Armentrout, Unit Chair
RUSSELL COUNTY: Eugene Compton, Unit Chair
SCOTT COUNTY: John Kilgore, Unit Chair; Delegate Terry Kilgore
SMYTH COUNTY: Adam Tolbert, Unit Chair; Jeff Hutton, Vice Unit Chair
TAZEWELL COUNTY: Aaron Roberts, Unit Chair; T. Shea Cook, former Ninth CD Chair
WASHINGTON COUNTY: Gary Rose; Tricia Phipps Moore, Clerk of Court
WISE COUNTY: Ben Boggs, Unit Chair
WYTHE COUNTY: Gerald Mabe, Commonwealth's Attorney; Sam Crockett, County Treasurer
Honaker's Heath Miller is the man.
Heath Miller has been here before, but he figures only time will tell exactly what that previous experience might mean this time around.
The former Honaker High School and University of Virginia star will start at tight end for the Pittsburgh Steelers against the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, Fla.
It is Miller’s second trip to the biggest spectacle in sports. The last time, he got the chance to hoist the famed Vince Lombardi Trophy.
He’d like nothing more than to have an encore performance, but Miller is trying to focus on this game rather than what happened the last time.
“It’s kind of hard to compare, because it’s not over yet,” Miller said in a recent telephone interview. “Hopefully, we go down there and take care of business. If we don’t win, there’s really no comparison.”
Miller was a 23-year-old rookie when the Steelers beat the Seattle Seahawks, 21-10, in Super Bowl XL at Detroit’s Ford Field three years ago.
Nerves might have gotten the best of Miller in the early stages of that game. He didn’t catch a pass and was whistled for two penalties, including a false start on Pittsburgh’s first possession.
Later, however, he delivered a block that helped to pave the way for Willie Parker’s 75-yard touchdown run in the third quarter.
It was a pivotal play in a game that left an impression on Miller. Link
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Loudoun Insider is sparking it up over at Too Con - Cuccinelli’s Curious Contributions has the comments coming.
LI brings up many reasons that he feels will doom Cooch in a statewide race. I have to agree with most of what he has written.
Morning Coffee is my most used add on to Firefox. Morning Coffee stores your daily reads, weekly, etc. With one click you open all you daily reads in tabs leaving you more time to read and enjoy your coffee.
The Bristol Herald Courier has this gem - One Dead, One Charged Following Game Of Quick Draw.
A 42-year-old West Virginia man died from a gunshot wound in the stomach early Saturday after playing a game of quick draw at a home in the Falls Mills area of Tazewell County, Sheriff H.S. Caudill said Saturday.
That sounds simple enough. Men "playing" with guns equals death most every time. The story continues
“What was really surprising was that there didn’t seem to be any alcohol at all,” Caudill said Saturday. “No drugs, no guns, it was very different, very surprising.”
Howerton did not know Miliam well, Caudill said.
“The man charged with the shooting lived at the house with a lady, and had for some time. They had friends over for the night and some of them knew” Miliam, Caudill said. “It was just reckless handling of a firearm.”
More Coffee Please.....
WISE — Dealing with a $3 billion budget deficit is no easy task, Delegate Terry Kilgore, R-Gate City, said Friday.
“Because of the budget this is the toughest session I believe I’ve experienced yet,” he said after Friday’s adjournment of the Virginia General Assembly.Link
Taxes you ask? Get this...
One proposal out of the House of Delegates would repeal the sales tax on food, cut middle class income taxes, and repeal the corporate income tax on small business. That bill is championed by Democratic Delegates David Englin of Alexandria, Joe Morrisey of Henrico and Dave Marsden of Fairfax and includes a number of co-patrons.
They say the bill will protect critical funds for transportation, too, by shifting the tax burden elsewhere.
The corporate income tax for businesses making less than $100,000 per year would be repealed under the measure, and it would cut the personal income tax to 5.6 percent for Virginians making between $17,000 and $75,000 per year.
The income tax cut proposes to provide $130 million in tax relief to more than 1.4 million Virginians. To recoup the difference, the measure would raise the income tax rate on those earning more than $400,000 per year by 1.1 percent, affecting roughly 30,000 people.
Kilgore said cutting taxes is a good idea, but not in the fashion this particular bill proposes.
“I’m all for tax cuts, but the fact is we can’t do any right now,” he said. “As for the tax hikes on the other end, nobody needs to pay more taxes right now. I’m sure it comes out to a tax increase overall. We need investment in Virginia. We need those folks to invest in Virginia. We don’t need to do that right now.”
Ohhh my....
Ken's a great guy, but as far as I can tell, he's one of the most conservative members of the Senate here in Virginia. And he got elected into that position yet again, despite our area's current suffering of what I like to call the "liberal" persuasion.
What are the odds, once a legendary figure such as Ken leaves the Senate, that we'll find another Republican that can turn the predominantly Democratic voters in this county back towards the GOP?
Slim, I'd say.
I agree. I have asked many times for the name of a conservative that can hold Cooch's seat. Brian has a good post up so go check it out.
Do not regret growing older.
It is a privilege denied to many. ~Author Unknown
In my heart I often thank your Mother for allowing you the chance to live. The world without Kilo? You have had an impact on many lives and we are all different because of that. So this is my public thank you to the woman who made that tough decision and carried you to term and then graciously sent you on your way to a life that she could not give you. Mother, thank you for giving your son the chance at a good life. Know that today he is living a life that you would be proud of and he has become a man you would be honored to present as your son.
A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A man's age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wartime Writings 1939-1944, translated from French by Norah Purcell
Happy Birthday Baby!!! I love how a year older looks on you.
Change the age to 44......
In a small town not far from Chicago, 41 years ago today, a life was spared. A drug addicted mother gave birth to a child. This child was now to endure weeks of blood transfusions and treatments.
In the city a few miles away a young husband and wife dreamed of having a child of their own. The husband was a dirt farmer from Mississippi who went in the army young and then to Illinois to find work after his discharge. The young wife was a honors student, her family rooted deep in coal from the dark hollows of Dickenson County was there doing the same. They met in church and were married a few months later.
They adopted the unwanted child born on this day in 1965. Years after that, the hospital where the child was born was closed for abortion issues and a black market baby selling deal. The parents provided this child with love and a home. They afforded this child a chance to dream, to become what he wished, even though working in coal was not their wish for him. We should not forget the biological mother. You see, she afforded him the same dream. She chose not to hold her mistakes against him. She chose to offer him life and a chance to dream. She should be commended for her unselfishness. The child had never told her this until today. She said it gave her such great peace to hear that. Her child responded he was just glad she gave him the chance to be here. So many are not given that chance.
A couple of law - blogs are taking notice about John Brownlee and Ken Cuccinelli on capital punishment. Brought up and discussed is Cuccinelli's opposition to repealing the triggerman rule in 07 and this WAPO article quoting Cuccinelli.
"We're killing enough people in Virginia," said Sen. Ken Cuccinelli II (R-Fairfax), who voted against the repeal of the triggerman rule but for the bill on slayings of judges. "We already have three very big exceptions [in the triggerman rule], so it isn't like it's something we don't cover to some degree now."
I supported the repeal and found Cuccinelli's view that a judges life is more important than say my Moms very troubling. Tom McKenna takes Cooch's argument apart in his post Capital Punishment Divides Republican AG Candidates in Virginia. He writes Emphasis mine
Sadly, Mr. Cuccinelli, who should garner alot of support from social conservatives, will lose his bid for the Republican nomination for AG, in part because of his opposition to capital punishment. The "moderates" of Northern Virginia (his home) won't reward him for it because on all other social issues he's solidly pro-life-- and horror of horrors, a homeschooler (you know, one of those). And the downstate Repubs will wonder why we should have an AG who opposes capital punishment when one of the AG's most important responsibilities is to defend capital convictions vigorously in the state and federal appellate courts.
By default then, the nomination will fall to John Brownlee, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, a social conservative, and someone who believes in the appropriate use of capital punishment.
You may also like what Jay Anderson has posted as he comments on this issue as well. If capital punishment is a issue to you, then this is must read material.
For first time visitors - I support John Brownlee for AG.
A Wise County man entered guilty pleas Tuesday morning to three charges connected to the Oct. 31, 2007, arson of the High Knob Observation Tower.
Nicholas Owens, 23, of Coeburn, entered guilty pleas to one count each of committing arson on U.S. government property, arson of a U.S. government building and giving false and making fictitious statements and representations regarding a criminal investigation, according to U.S. District Court records in Abingdon.
Owens was scheduled to stand trial Feb. 4 in U.S. District Court in Big Stone. He entered guilty pleas to all three charges Tuesday morning after U.S. Magistrate Judge Pamela Sargent found him fit to stand trial following a competency hearing in Abingdon.
Owens is scheduled to be sentenced in federal court in Big Stone Gap on April 8. He faces a sentence of five to 50 years in federal prison and fines up to $750,000. Link
I hope they spank his dumbass come April 8th. Send a clear message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated in Wise County. Personally, I think my punishment would work better and save the prison system a lot of time and money. But who am I to deny Nic's future cellmate Big Buck the fun...My advice for Nic -Sleep with your backside against the wall son.
I found this to be the highlight of the day. Unlike the offensive benediction...
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Yes, he is my president, and yours too. You may say otherwise but it is what it is. There will be plenty of time to critique him, to slam him, to make fun of him. In the next four years there will be many chances to say I told you so.......
But today is his day. Fairly elected by my fellow citizens. May he keep the country safe and unite people in this land of the free and the home of the brave. It is hard for me to feel angst when I see the crowd assembled in the cold supporting our president.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen
JR Dieckmann's letter is worthy of notice. A few million of these sent to the RNC could send a message. It is a long read, but if you are a conservative republican it will make your day. Enjoy and send a letter.
Letter Of Resignation To The RNC; I Quit!
by JR Dieckmann
After wrestling with this decision for two years now, I have resigned from the Republican party. The party no longer represents my values and I see no hope for real change in the foreseeable future.
The following letter is being sent to the Republican National Committee along with the California Republican Party by U.S. Mail. If you feel the same way, you are welcome to use this letter, or portions of it, for your own letter of resignation if you wish. Then contact your state Secretary of State’s office to change your voter registration.
Mike Duncan, Chairman
Republican National Committee
310 First Street
Washington, D. C. 20003
California Republican Party
1201 K. Street #740
Sacramento, CA 95814
They tell us that January 20, 2009 will be an historic occasion in American history. I agree, but not for the reasons they give. It will be the first time in history that a majority of American voters have not only elected a black man to POTUS, but also elected an unqualified, no résumé, unaccomplished, radical left, and likely illegal alien, without ever demanding personal history, educational records, health records, military records, or proof of citizenship from this man. He is an absolute zero on qualifications for POTUS.
We expect this from Democrats, but we also expect that the Republican Party would have made an issue of these shortcomings and the lack of qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama. We expected that the Republican party would have made an effort to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to see that our laws are followed. The Republican party shares the responsibility for this abomination in their negligence and refusal to stand up and fight for our Constitution and conservative values.
You and your Democrat-Lite candidate, John McCain, did neither and allowed this illegitimate candidate to usurp the office of the president. McCain’s campaign was pitiful and failed to bring up even the most basic issues of the Obama candidacy. Issues not only of his citizenship, but his dark associations with radicals (other than Bill Ayres, which was a non starter), his empathy with Islamics, his complete lack of understanding of the Constitution, the free marketplace, American history other than black separatist history, and the principles of freedom and liberty on which our country was founded.
You have not only betrayed all Republicans who have supported you over the years, but betrayed our country and - along with the Supreme Court - have allowed this trashing of our Constitution to continue with unconstitutional spending of taxpayers’ money, and by not demanding a genuine birth certificate from Barack Hussein Obama. I wish the best for Obama, but only if he resigns from this masquerade and chooses another line of work. I can never call him president unless he can prove that he is an American citizen and was born in America.
Not only have you failed to insist that Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution be respected and followed, you offered us, as the only alternative to Obama, John McCain who had virtually no chance of ever winning the support of conservative Republicans. Make no mistake, it was the RNC that forced his candidacy upon us.
You may say “but the voters selected him from the primary candidates.” In fact, he won the nomination only by default. Your obscene voting rules allowing for crossover primary voting by Democrats in many states, early voting in liberal states, and your “big tent” policy of encouraging liberals and moderates into the Republican party who do not share conservative values, simply to grow the party regardless of political ideology, is the reason for McCain’s win in primary voting. He was never the choice of conservative voters or a majority of the party. He was what was left after liberal Republicans refused to support conservative candidates. Your “big tent” is now filled with Democrats.
The Republican party used to be the conservative party and stood for something. Now your lust for increasing party membership and political power has left you with neither. You have abandoned Republican conservatives and conservative principles and have abandoned your voter base in an attempt to grow the party. You see party size and power as being more important than conservative American principles. I find this extremely repulsive and disappointing. When you try to represent everyone, you represent no one and stand for nothing. You have sacrificed quality for quantity and now you don’t even know who you are anymore.
You stand by and do nothing while Democrats lie and commit federal crimes, while throwing your own out in the street for lesser offenses. Why was George Allen forced out? For daring to call a liberal agitator “macaca” (monkey)? Why have Republicans caved to the liberal agenda of political correctness and the global warming fraud? America used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. You have simply allowed this America to be trashed by your liberal counterparts with little or no resistance.
You have no backbone to stand up for what is right and decent. In Congress, you give and give and Democrats take and take, then stab you in the back when they gain majority power. You should have learned years ago that congressional Democrats are not your friends, they are your opponents and must be treated as such, just as they treat you. There can be no compromise between the two opposing forces of liberalism and conservatism; of socialism and capitalism. You have lost sight of what it means to be Republican. You have allowed the socialists to take over the country without a fight.
I hold you equally responsible along with the liberal media for the results of this 2008 election and the carnage that is sure to follow. The Republican party is devoid of credible leadership and conservative principles. Much of the blame belongs to George W. Bush for his lack of conservative fiscal, small government, and domestic policies. His first four years were spectacular, especially on the foreign policy and national defense issues. Then after reelection, he became a Democrat-lite, along with the entire Republican led congress, which seemed to have adopted the Democrat agenda.
You complain that you couldn’t get your message out. What message? You no longer stand for anything since abandoning conservative ideology. You don’t see Democrats abandoning liberal ideology - do you? They keep moving further and further to the left and you feel, for some reason, that you must do the same. Big mistake. That is where you have gone wrong, and that is where you and I must part company.
You have allowed liberals to pull the entire country into a socialist cesspool of immorality, atheism, socialist indoctrination masquerading as education, welfare handouts, infanticide, environmental extremism, government dependence, and lack of personal responsibility. These are the very opposites of the American foundation. We expected the Republican party to defend the American experiment, not hand it over to the communists.
How stupid must you be not to see that you are losing the right in your move to the left? That is why you have lost the past two elections to Democrats. If voters want to vote for Democrats, they will vote for the real thing, not Democrat-lites. Instead of contrasting with the Democrat party, you have tried to blend in with it. The Republican party has become a generic version of the Democrat party but without clear direction or leadership. You refuse to stand up for what’s right and have shown that you would rather switch than fight.
Republican Chairman Mike Duncan has an article at the Center For Republican Renewal entitled “A Path to Republican Renewal” that reads like an Obama speech - “hope and change” but little else. In it he states “I believe the GOP must find a way to relate more to the everyday concerns of families across the country, while at the same time staying true to our core conservative principles and beliefs.” In fact, if you would simply promote conservative American principles, you wouldn’t have to reach out to anyone. They would be reaching out to you. Show some pride in conservatism. That is how it should be, but you just don‘t get it, do you?
In other words, you want to reach out to the left and moderates to grow the party, rather than educate and promote the benefits and rewards of the conservative values that made this country great and strong. You can’t have it both ways. “While staying true to our core conservative principles and beliefs?” Since when? Do you, or the party leadership, even know what those principles are anymore? You abandoned them years ago as soon as you gained control of both Congress and the White House. Other than the mention of “conservative think tanks” this was the only mention of “conservative” in the entire article. I don’t think you even know what the word means anymore.
“Conservative” is not just a word you can throw out there to try to hold onto core Republicans, it is an ideology and a conviction that seems to have escaped you and the Republican “party leaders” - if you can call them that. You should have listened to George Allen, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, Fred Thompson, Rick Santorum, Mike Pence, Tom Colburn, Duncan Hunter, and others who have tried to get the conservative message out, instead of allowing them to be thrown under the bus.
It is for all of the reasons stated above that I feel the Republican party no longer represents my views and beliefs in the political arena. I hereby renounce my membership in the Republican Party and request that you remove my name, address, and email address from all mailing lists and voter rolls over which you may have control. I no longer want to see your promotions and solicitations in my mail.
I was ready to take this unfortunate step after the losses in 2006 but decided to give you one more chance to see if you would learn the lesson of 06 and come back to traditional conservative principles. I’m sorry to say that you failed the test and have rendered yourself an irrelevant political party because of it. You have shown that you no longer support me and my values, and therefore I can no longer support you as you continue your quest to attract moderate Democrats into your party.
I have reviewed the platforms of both the American Independent Party and the Libertarian Party, as well as the Constitution Party. I find all of them more in line with my views than the Republican Party of today, but none has convinced me to join due to one or more key issues that I disagree with, mainly that of foreign policy.
I have therefore reregistered with the California Secretary of State as an independent voter without party affiliation and will remain so until such time as a party emerges which represents conservative American values without going radically overboard to the detriment of the country; a party much like what the Republican party used to be 20 years ago.
If you really want to rebuild the Republican party, I would suggest to go to the Heritage Foundation and read what Reagan would do. That would be a good start. The course you have chosen now leads to nowhere and it‘s time to abandon ship.
J.R. Dieckmann
It is about damn time. Duncan Hunter brought this to my attention a long time ago. He published many letters and gave speeches on these men's behalf. It will finally be over for these men and their families on March 20.
Cold enough that the watcher of the grounds has taken a vacation inside on my old couch for the past few days. That wont last much longer. Her lust for eating rabbits and critters will take her to the fields again.
On Monday, January 19, the Criminal Sub-Committee of the House Courts of Justice will meet to consider two important bills.
Sponsored by Delegate Charles Carrico (R-5), HB 1655 would award court costs, attorney’s fees and expenses to any person or group that prevails in an action challenging an ordinance, resolution or administrative action that violates the state preemption laws. HB 1821, introduced by Delegate Joseph Johnson (D-4), would allow holders of concealed carry permits to carry into restaurants but are prohibited from consuming alcohol.
Please contact the members of the Sub-Committee TODAY and respectfully ask that they support the rights of law-abiding firearm owners by voting in favor of these bills. Contact information can be found below.
Delegate Morgan Griffith
(804) 698-1008
Delegate Rob Bell
(804) 698-1058
Delegate Todd Gilbert
(804) 698-1015
Delegate Bill Janis
(804) 698-1056
Delegate Jackson Miller
(804) 698-1050
Delegate Kenneth Melvin
(804) 698-1080
Delegate Ward Armstrong
(804) 698-1010
Delegate Vivian Watts
(804) 698-1039
Delegate Dave Albo
(804) 698-1042
Jerry From on High makes that point very well in his post Why We Cherish The 2nd Amendment. Jerry gives a history lesson on how the right to own guns protected many black families from the KKK. His post gives good evidence IMHO as why Jews in America should also be buying guns.
"If I were Jewish, and I lived in the USA, I'd be arming myself to the teeth."
His video shows some Muslim witch shouting at Jews saying " You need a Big Oven"
"Get back to the oven."
Yeah, I'd have a lot of guns. Locked and loaded.
If I were Jewish, I would make a vow:
Never again.
Spank That Donkey has a great video up about the uprising in England. These folks gave up their guns only now to realize criminals still have guns.
Via SWAC Girl we learn what most of us know already- BNN Rocks!
A little while back, we began tracking how many visitors went from BNN’s main site, the rss feeds BNN produces and the headline widgets that hundreds of bloggers all over the country have put on their sites. The weekly numbers have been astounding and last night, they reached a new record, more than 260,000 as of 11:59 est last night.
That means BNN is sending more visitors to bloggers than leftyblogs, the only other site I know that reveals the number (let me know if there are more that do it). And we’re beating them by a factor of ten — more than a million visits a month.
Great job Dave.
Time to require catch fences you think?
TACOMA, Wash. – A 6-year-old boy died and a man was injured when a piece from a truck flew into the stands at the Monster Jam monster truck show Friday night at the Tacoma Dome. link and video
Would a 360 degree catch fence have prevented this? Indeed. It is time to address this before another death happens.
WASHINGTON – Unemployment is up. The stock market is down. Let's party.
The price tag for President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration gala is expected to break records, with some estimates reaching as high as $150 million. Despite the bleak economy, however, Democrats who called on President George W. Bush to be frugal four years ago are issuing no such demands now that an inaugural weekend of rock concerts and star-studded parties has begun.(link)
Did you expect it to be any different?
When I cross over
I will shout and sing
I will know my savior
By the mark where the nails have been
By the mark where the nails have been
By the sign upon his precious skin
I will know my savior when I come to him
By the mark where the nails have been
A man of riches
May claim a crown of jewels
But the king of heaven
Can be told from the prince of fools
On Calvary Mountain
Where they made him suffer so
All my sin was paid for
A long, long time ago
The story of a turncoat Republican. A story conservatives in Virginia know all to well.
Jerry has a new feature to his most excellent blog - Jerry's Book of the Month Club: This week it is a classic!
The Patriot Post has some info.
Some 136.6 million Americans voted -- a 64.1 percent turnout and the highest since 1908. Obama is the first Democrat to win a majority of the popular vote (53 percent) since Jimmy Carter. By sex, BHO's support was 49 percent male and 56 percent female. By ethnic group, his support comprised 41 percent of Whites, 61 percent of Asians, 75 percent of Latinos and 95 percent of Blacks. By age, BHO's largest support demographic was 66 percent of voters under the age of 30. By income, 52 percent of voters with more than $200,000 in annual income voted for Obama. By education, his support came from those without a college degree and those with a post-graduate degree.
Interesting numbers. Then it gets weird.
So, his victory was largely due to support from non-whites, from those under 30, from those with the lowest income and education, and from a small number of voters at the other end of those spectrums, while those of middle age, income and education tended to support John McCain.
By religion, Obama received support from 46 percent of Protestant voters, 56 percent of Catholic voters and 62 percent of voters of other religions. BHO received 76 percent of atheist and agnostic voters.
The Barna Research Group looked at some other interesting characteristics of Obama voters: 57 percent of those who consider themselves "lonely or isolated," 59 percent of those affected by the economic decline in "a major way," and 61 percent of those who claim they are "stressed out" supported BHO.
Check it out.
I would like to welcome Ginnypub's Blog to the ODBA.
I grew up in Martinsville. It’s a small mill and furniture-manufacturing town in the Piedmont district of Virginia. The ever-decreasing population is an eclectic mix of socialists, rednecks and chronically unemployed “victims” governed by a nest of corrupt democrats. I fit in there like a foot in a glove.
My husband of 30 years comes from beautiful Richlands, VA (Richlands….aaaahhhh), but he grew up in Canebrake and Berwind West Virginia. We’ve lived in Henrico, VA for the past 25 years where we raised our 2 children. Our daughter gave birth to our first grandchild on her 27th birthday, Sept. 29, 2007. Our son is 31 and is a computer programmer. Always a groomsman, never a groom, he’s an all-around nice guy who loves to travel.
Check out Ginnypub's Blog.
The good news just keeps rolling in!
RICHMOND - In reports filed today with the State Board of Elections, Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling reported raising $1,018,946 for his reelection campaign committee since its inception in March 2008. Bolling
also ended the period with over $721,000 cash on hand.Despite limiting his fundraising in the last half of the year to the seven weeks after the 2008 elections, Bolling raised over $313,000 during the period from 696 contributors. More than half of the contributions were in amounts less than $100.
Bolling also announced that he had received an additional $61,000 in donations between the close of the reporting period on January 1st and the beginning of the 2009 legislative session.
"I am very appreciative of the generous and broad based support that the people of Virginia have provided in the early stages of my reelection campaign," Bolling said. "This support shows that our campaign is reaching out to people in every part of Virginia, people who share our positive vision for the future of our state and our commitment to find solutions to the challenges we face in Virginia today. With their continued support, I am more optimistic than ever about the future of our state and our party."
I am optimistic also, but we must continue to support our candidates with groundwork and money. You can support Bill Bolling via Red Storm PAC by using the link below.
After a couple weeks of hearing how much money Terry McAuliffe has raised in his gubernatorial campaign, Bob McDonnell trumped him. McDonnell raised over $1 million from Election Day to December 31st and he has over $2 million on hand. McDonnell raised $1.6 million this period. That is twice what Brian Moran raised and $600,000 more than McAuliffe!
The kicker that goes along with this great fundraising by Team McDonnell is the cash on hand. Looking at the numbers one can safely assume McDonnell has twice as much cash on hand as McAwful McAuliffe and Moran. I feel that the number is even greater than that.
We cant let up in this campaign. McDonnell is off to a great start so lets keep those donations coming in. Below is a fast and secure way to support McDonnell. Red Storm PAC makes it as easy as a few clicks of mouse.
You have to read this gem by Jody Lee. she begins her post on Third Hand Smoke with
How long is the media going to continue to accept and perpetuate as fact weak and/or faulty science? We have seen them do it with global warming and with second-hand smoke. And now, the inevitable THIRD-hand smoke has reared its ugly head. There is no meaningful science or confirmed evidence of any danger it might propose, yet the media dishes it out as though it were fact and we lap it up like starving orphans in a Dickens novel. Sigh.
That is all I'm giving you....Go read the rest. I think many of those that spread this information have their third hand thumb stuck up their....
I always love pointing out how evil those coal companies are. The latest local news reveals that Alpha Natural Resources could be the worst of the worst. From the BHC.
$100,000 Gift From Alpha Helping Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Accommodate Increasing Need
ABINGDON, Va. – Abingdon-based coal company Alpha Natural Resources delivered a check for $100,000 to the Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank here Wednesday.
The money is to help the food bank with its relocation across the interstate to a larger building that will enable it to accommodate increasing need.
“Our view is, regardless of how we perform from a financial perspective, we have an obligation to give something back,” Alpha President Kevin Crutchfield said about the donation even as companies like his begin to feel the nation’s economic pinch. “We’re real thrilled to be in a position to do this because we think it’s important to give back to the community.”
Edd Roberts, the food bank’s resource development officer, said that through community partnerships every dollar donated can be turned into $6 worth of food.
“Everything we do is about partnerships here,” Roberts said.
He said the food bank distributed 5.1 million pounds of food last year in the 11 Southwest Virginia counties it serves, and it’s on track to distribute another 6 million pounds this year.
Crutchfield said Alpha tries to donate money where it will do the most good, and the six-fold increase the food bank can apply makes the organization a good investment in the community.
“It’s a little-known fact that roughly 20 percent of the children in Southwest Virginia live below the poverty line and go hungry every night,” Crutchfield said. “We always hope that by virtue of our contribution it would spur others to help out.”
Alpha also is giving $25,000 to help with food bank operations and another $14,000 for use by agencies the food bank serves.
Dominion, the company building a coal-fired power plant in Wise County, made a $50,000 donation to the food bank before Christmas.
Lets see here....According to those $$$ numbers, Alpha is twice as evil as Dominion.
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