More Smelly Hippies- No it was not a Jim Webb Rally
I wanted to wait a couple days before I commented on this. Recently smelly hippies protested the power plant in my area. They blocked the road and flopped around like fish singing and chanting. I am sure that worst part was the smell of them not the power plant. One idiot chained himself to a coal truck. My regular readers know that I have worked at this power plant. The police and company allowed this protest to last a few hours before breaking it up with no arrests. As of now they have not returned. Blocking coal trucks is not popular here as Brian comments in his post. I think this group should have been arrested and thrown in jail, then sentenced to pay the lost wages to the truckers and workers they blocked. I would add daily bathing to that for at least one year. You can see some pictures of the scene here. There are some comments on that article. I think you have to do a short register thing. These idiots offered the blocked trucker some money for his lost wages. That is how stupid they are. There was more than one load blocked. That plant receives 100 loads a day from just one mine. They should pay for that. As I read about this group and look at the pictures of them....I wonder how many of them are Republicans? Just a thought. Best comment on smelly hippies
By: Golfguy on 7/11/06
I bet there was more toxic fumes coming from the tree huggers than the plant they were blocking. STONERS!
I repeat that this was a protest and not a Jim Webb rally. My sources say that there was talk from the activists to join the Webb heads. Maybe Lowell will let them stay with him. Jerry adds this.
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