More About that Wise County trash-to-ethanol plant
The technology for the trash to ethanol plant is provided by GeneSyst. Is turning this trash to fuel safe and environmentally friendly?
The GeneSyst system is lean.
* It requires only a small footprint, about 10-20 acres of land.
* It requires relatively little water for steady flow.
* It has no moving parts.
* It is self-sustaining.
The GeneSyst system is clean.* There are no groundwater contaminants to threaten the land.
* There are no toxic emissions to escape into the air.
* There is no process of combustion.
* All processed materials are sterile.
* The system is odorless.* The patented GPV technology used in our system harnesses the natural geologic forces of the earth, pressure and heat, to regenerate biomass from waste to ethanol energy and other useful products.
* 95% of the collected waste can be used beneficially: glass and metals can be recycled, most plastics can be recycled or used to create the denaturant additive needed for the final ethanol product.
Check out the videos of the plant here. This seems like a great idea. What do the tree huggers and smelly hippies think? Well is this good enough?
GeneSyst..."has a much more environmentally friendly, more reliable water based process that can handle all of [the] County's residential garbage in a small plant with no waste processing emissions....What's left gets processed in an energy efficient, underground pressure cooker loop into sugars, which yeast turn into ethanol. This is the greener deal, healthier for residents with less greenhouse gases and pollution."
Sandy O'Brien, Conservation Chair, Dunelands Sierra Club
- June 2008
Check out Alton's energy post and you can see why this plant is great news for all localities.
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