Comparing Obama to Jesus
Slogan an insult to Christianity
Jesus was not a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was no elected governor. To say otherwise might seem clever to the self-righteous, but it is actually a form of demonized name calling. It is a putdown of the Christian religion, which views Jesus as redeemer, the Son of God, the perfect Lamb, the only one who lived a life free of rebellion against God, who is therefore able to justify everyone else’s rebellion against God by choosing of his own free will to pay the price for that rebellion. As a community organizer, Jesus was an utter failure. As savior, he performed perfectly. To equate the Roman-appointed, merciless governor of conquered Judea in ancient times with an elected governor in the United States is shamefully shallow. It suggests a desire for ridicule over intellectual honesty. Two thousand years ago, an elite group of men shouted to crucify an innocent man. We say such things could not happen today. I am not so convinced.
Bob Mannel
Church Hill
Some would call the comparison blasphemy. I think we are seeing some very stupid people who actually believe Obama compares to Christ. United Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts used the comparison at Obama's visit here last week. What a nut. One can only guess who Cecil compares himself.
Comments on "Comparing Obama to Jesus"
It's Steve Barber again.
There is post up at the UVA Wise website with the following:
Students, faculty and staff at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise are invited to take an online journey back in time on Sept. 17 to celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution.
To join in the College’s celebration, visit the National Constitution Center’s Centuries of Citizenship: A Constitutional Timeline, where visitors may take an online tour of events and dates spanning more than two centuries of constitutional history. The site includes an interactive timeline featuring historical newspaper articles, audio clips and videos focusing on ways the Constitution has evolved and endured.
To access the timeline, visit the Web site at, and click on “Explore” under either the broadband or low-bandwidth versions.
As schedules allow, the College encourages viewing to take place on Constitution Day on Wednesday, Sept. 17.
In conjunction with federal legislation approved in 2004, all federally funded colleges and universities must plan activities celebrating the signing of the Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. This year UVa-Wise is encouraging all students, faculty and staff to participate in Constitution Day by exploring the Web site.
For more information, contact the Office of College Relations at 276-328-0130.
I'm curious if A) that is sufficient under the law and B) will they fly the American flag on Constitution day which it is my understanding is an executive order from the President?
I'm emailing the Constitution Day coordinator at the Department of Education to see if the school is in compliance. I'll post his response later.
Never seen a triple bladed cutter before. Nice. We should get together for a smoke sometime. My email is
Peace out.