Wise County Power Plant - The Bristol Herald Courier
The Bristol Herald Courier had this editorial on coal yesterday. They bring up Domion Power gave $500,000 to Virginia Tech for carbon sequestration research. they also bring forth the fact that the tree hugging smelly hippies cant grasp:
Some of coal’s opponents don’t care about the research. They want the nation to stop burning coal. Period.
There are problems with such a stance. America’s demand for electricity to heat and cool ever-bigger homes, power its computers and keep industry humming continues to grow. At present, coal provides about half of that power, and there is no technology yet available to replace it. Unless we want to go back to the time of oil lamps and candlelight, coal will remain part of the picture for some time to come.
Indeed. Lets keep using coal and lots of it! Lets liquefy it and run it in our cars and trucks to decrease the dependence on foreign oil. Coal can provide the answer for the next 100 years.
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