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Monday, July 09, 2007

Fred Thompson - Flip Flopper? Nixon Mole? I will stick with Duncan Hunter.

I want to link a couple good posts first. The Va Federalist is asking questions and the Mason Conservative had a fast response to the LA Times article about Thompson's pro abortion lobbying. I pointed out last month that Thompson's stance on this is troubling. While he voted pro life during his short term in the senate, he campaigned as a pro choicer. Human Event's Terry Jeffrey on Hardball had this about Fred Thompson:
MATTHEWS: Let‘s go to “Human Events” on this one. Terry, will the conservatives, cultural conservatives, like thyself, give this guy a break?

JEFFREY: I think it is an open question, Chris. I think he has a tremendous opportunity here. I think the reason he has vaulted so high in the polls so quickly is because conservatives are dissatisfied with Rudy Giuliani as the front runner, and they‘re dissatisfied with McCain and Romney as his principle challengers.
However, when Fred Thompson was in the Unite States Senate, both times he ran for the Senate he ran as a pro-choice candidate. He was against the Republican pro-life plank in 1996, when I was out in San Diego fighting to keep it in the platform. And I think he has to explain much more persuasively than Mitt Romney did why it is that he is now a pro-life. And I think if he does that persuasively and successfully, I think he has a very good chance at getting the Republican nomination. (LINK)

The press is all over this. The WAPO has this, saying Fred "gave an oblique response when asked about the matter." I have taken some heat for trying to present the real Thompson and his curious record. You know Nixon thought he was "dumb as hell" and now we see that story coming out here and here. Geeesh.
Pat Robertson's CBN News has this article welcoming Fred to the fire. Don't let the CBN thing scare you, David Brody has a fine article.
"There are going to be reasons coming from the Thompson "campaign" about what happened here. There are also going to be multiple defenses like "That was 1991," and "He has a 100 percent, pro-life voting record as a Senator," etc.
Indeed. This is the problem with the Fred Heads face. They will spend all their time defending, while trying to actually find some real legislation or leadership Thompson provided during his short term. Look hard my friends, because if that leadership and legislation does exist no one else can find it.
When I chose to support Duncan Hunter I saw a solid 26 year record of leadership. A record I can promote and easily defend as being true to my core beliefs as a man. There are no "oblique" responses from Duncan on his past service. His pro life record is solid whether it be his voting record, statements, and legislation introduced. His message is clear and he deserves your support. As for Fred, this is only the beginning. The future will hold many more revelations about him and his lobbying and his statements. I for one am sickened at the thought of defending him instead of promoting his record. I will stick with Duncan Hunter.

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