Jeff Evans - 20th District - Roscoe Unhinged? A Must Read!
20th DistrictThe above analysis from NLS. Is money a huge issue in the 20th? It is important but not so much as in other areas. The media is limited in the 20th. This one will be decided on the ground. I think Jeff Evans will give Roscoe the run of his life. Check His website out here. Nice! Designed by Alton Foley.
Roscoe Reynolds vs. Jeff Evans
(Bush 62.2%, Kilgore 53.7%, Allen 58.5%, YES 75.4%)
Again, good demographics for an upset, and a broke Republican challenger.
Jeff's home page has been updated. The new "Traffic Fees Law"(link to SB1196) is the subject. When you read it you will see Roscoe has become unhinged with his responses about this.
By SHAWN HOPKINS - Bulletin Staff WriterOkay Roscoe, I agree. Then we see that the bill has W. Roscoe Reynolds (chief patron).
State Sen. Roscoe Reynolds, D-Ridgeway, said he can foresee serious potential problems with the new law.
Those consequences are that people will lose their licenses because they cannot pay the large fines, be forced to drive anyway because they must work and then end up in jail, where they will become an additional drain on taxpayers.[link to article]
Jeff writes:
In that article Reynolds also said the measure was not his first, second or third choice to provide more transportation funding, adding it was unfair to call the new law a compromise, saying that in a compromise both sides get something they want.“You had two choices, either do something like that or do nothing.”
What my opponent does not say during that interview, and the Bulletin never mentions, is the fact that this legislation, which he claims to abhor, was introduced in the Senate on January 10, 2007 by Senator W.Roscoe Reynolds himself.
This is just unreal! Roscoe Unhinged.
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