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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Andrew Clem Should Clam Up

It seems that after all the attacks on the SWAC bloggers by Dr Andrew Clem the truth is unfolding in the press. (Bold Print by me)
Group meets despite ruling from state party officials.
STAUNTON — An unauthorized meeting of a group of Staunton Republican Committee members Thursday revealed divisions amongst at least some in the local party that may require mediation. Andrew Clem and others who signed and distributed a letter to call the meeting said they'd hoped to discuss concerns about the direction of the party amongst committee members. However, party leadership moved to block the meeting, with officials from the top of the Republican Party of Virginia handing down notice Thursday afternoon that no committee meeting could be called.
Well Well Dr Clem, going against the orders of the party is a bold move indeed. The question is if Clem's arguments and attacks have been truthful, the party leadership is not buying it. I never have bought into Clem's claims. It is now becoming clear who is behind the party woes in Staunton. Get this quote-
Thursday's group decided to draft a letter to Taetzsch that expressed their continued support for their chair, provided that she recognize Clem as the legitimate secretary, stop county leadership from attending city committee meetings, and follow both the bylaws of the Republican Party and Robert's Rules of Order in conducting meetings.
Sounds like bullying to me. Trying to broker a deal before the higher ups rule on the matter? It sure sounds like it. The fact is Clem drafted a letter to have a meeting the Party ruled as illegal. Did Clem listen to the leadership? No, he proudly posts this in the face of the party leadership.
Staunton Republicans meet! Or at least some of them did, anyway. I hate to disappoint all my "well-wishers" from the Other Party,* but the meeting call I sent out last week was ruled invalid this afternoon.
For a man who is complaining about following rules he sure does disrespect the rules that are in place. He knowingly purged 20 members and now he wants rules? Clam up Clem.
Dr Clem has his six supporters and the Democratic blogs on his side. On the other hand Staunton Republican Committee Chairwoman Anne Taetzsch looks to have the majority of the membership on her side. Her elected position is not in question here, but Clem's is. As I said before, the truth will come out. This is only the beginning.
Read more about this here.

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