Duncan Who?
"Duncan Who?" I wish you could have seen the look on Kilo's face when I hit him with that. "Duncan Hunter," he replied ever patient with me. Now I am pretty certain that with such a cool name I would have remembered it had I ever heard it before. Today I can safely answer that "Duncan Who?" question thanks to Kilo.
U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, refers to himself as the most conservative Republican currently running to be the our next president. His name will soon be synonymous with these three words: Peace Through Strength.
Kilo sent me to this video to get an understanding of who this man is. I was impressed. Here is a man who understands the need for fences and can prove that they work. I think fences make good neighbors. Here is a man who understands the need for a good front door policy that allows us to properly welcome in those who deserved to be allowed in, and to refuse entry to those we don't want or need here. Is this not how every American household works? Company always comes in through the front door and only if we open it. Only family and friends use the back door. I have always wondered why it is so easy for illegal aliens to get into this country from some of those countries that make it hard for Americans visit.
Duncan Hunter tells of the Chinese trade situation. I had no idea. I was actually speechless for a while digesting that one. Speechless is rare- Kilo would tell ya that. Why are we Americans not more outraged? Could it be that like me, you have not heard these statistics? Is this why steel mills up north are being turned into malls?
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