New Voting Machines in Tennessee
Today is election day in Tennessee. I found this article in the Kingsport Times interesting.
Sullivan County may not put live election returns on Internet - computer security issue may also mean no precinct totals until 10 p.m. Published 08/03/2006 By J.H. OSBORNE
It seems new machines are the hold up.
"The system is in no way connected to the Internet or any other computer system," Frye said. "For this election we will not be able to download the individual results as we have in the past. We will download a total at the end, when all precincts have reported. It's a security issue. The old system was connected to the Internet on election night and (could) be downloaded and had software. This one does not have that. It is a stand-alone computer. So we're having to work with the vendor to get a program to move the results to the Internet, but not to allow the system to in any way be accessible to breaches. We hope that by November we'll be able to go back to doing the postings as we have in the past. We just didn't have time to get the software in place this time."
Conspiracy nuts opine now!
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