More on the debate
The first Allen - Webb debate is in the books and there is much arguing over who won on the blogs. Debates for most people are boring. They will make their decisions from the recaps and sound bites printed in the press. If that is the case then Sen Allen clearly stumped Jim Webb. Candidate Webb needed headlines saying he won. Headlines stating he bested the incumbent. Webb did not receive anything close. He is receiving a lot of press for not knowing anything about Craney Island. The worst thing you can say in a debate is "I Don't Know" This holds especially true when it concerns a project with the potential for thousands of jobs in the state you wish to represent. I have not read anything that shows Webb stumped Allen on any issue. All accounts say Allen was professional and fielded the questions well. This debate was all Sen Allen. One attendee said
"The battle before the debate has begun. George Allen's campaign has blanketed the one road that leads to the debate site with campaign signs. There are no signs whatsoever for Jim Webb's campaign. As a matter of fact, I've yet to see any sign or bumper sticker for Jim Webb on the entire drive down from NYC."
In a debate with an incumbent, no clear winner is a win for the incumbent. Webb needed to make that big impression and he failed to do so. His campaign needed to make that same impression and they also failed. What will be remembered from this debate is no ground support for Webb. The "I don't know" statement. Allen dubbing Webb R2D2 for his party flip flopping. The number one answer that I laughed about yesterday was Webb stating Reagan was his model president. I agree with Webb on that! I don't think the Kos kids and the DNC will be happy. That statement will stick like glue!
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