Over at VV, Riley has a great post starting with his views on the NY Time's piece I had yesterday. Riley notes that paid Jim Webb mouthpiece Lowell Feld tries to rebuke the article but only succeeds to strengthen it. He also adds that by posting this article the left calls that Swiftboating?? They need a boat to ride their wave of tears! I will add that Lowell puts in a 114 page thesis that contains some revealing stuff about Jim Webb (in his own words) and his military views that include how to use reserves, etc. Jim Webb can never call anyone a neo con....More on that later.
Alton has two great posts up. The first one is Born Fighting. Alton asks how can Jim Webb write a book saying one thing and say he is a democrat. I have a feeling there will be more to come on this subject. His next post, the Hatchet is well worth your time to read!
The Mason Conservative has this about Maryland democrat Josh Rales. You gotta love this!!!
Today's big Smile is from The Ward View...Just go look!
BTW- We are still waiting for Jim Webb to post the debate on his website as promised. Day 3-Born Fibbing!
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