Round Up
Riley is asking for all bloggers to join in a Blogothon. Read the comments. I am not up to speed on all of this but it seems Chapman is acting kinda goofy if the reason for this suit is missing the filing deadline. Ben has a post about this subject up also. I am going to go back and read about this. My thoughts are that this is goofy, but on the other side I am not against accountability for bloggers. Slander is one thing-blaming a blog for making you miss a deadline is another.
Chad alerts us that Kos blogfather and Sorenson keynote speaker Jerome Armstrong is a fraud. Damn..whoda thunk it? He has two good posts up here and here. Shaun Kenney also gives some news that Kos himself is being looked at. This subject is a must read for all of us! You wont see this info on those Lefty blogs. Redstate has this
"Long answer made short: it would not be unfair to estimate, pending more facts, that somewhere in the neighborhood of $5-10 million was lost by people buying a nearly worthless stock that Jerome Armstrong touted for money, with a fair estimate of the real damages most likely being about $7.5 million."
WoW...I would think there are some mad people ready to come forth with vengeance on Armstrong and Kos.
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