UPDATED George Allen on Hardball followed by Jarding and Mudcat UPDATED
I just finished watching Sen George Allen on Hardball. I hope you watch the repeat on MSNBC at 7. He was very strong on immigration...Very! He also said he did not share the Presidents views and would not support amnesty. His views on our borders are strong and clear. Born Leader.
After Allen came Jarding and Mudcat. While Chris showed a picture of Webb during the intro, there was no mention of him in the interview. None. I found that very odd. Born Fighting. Chris grilled the two about the democrats being weak on immigration and our borders, while Allen was crystal clear. This is a must watch and I cant wait to see the transcript.
UPDATED: After watching the show again I am even more impressed with Sen Allen. I share his same view on immigration and our borders. Mathews is a hard interview and Allen took it in stride. His answers were fast and on subject. Mathews did not accuse him of waffling like he did Jarding. Another interesting thing is that Sen Allen's mom immigrated here after WW2 from Tunisia, Africa. That gives him a great view. I also give him credit for taking a stance that does not agree with the president. His talk about not rewarding Illegal behavior rings true. Amnesty rewards illegal behavior and that is not the answer. I look forward to seeing him speak more about this subject. I would have thought Mudcat and Jarding would have touted Webb at any chance they got. They had many chances to add his name and views or reason they support him. Instead they never mentioned his name-his policies-his web site, nothing. Thats real support guys. Am I the only one who finds this very odd? They admit the democrats have no plans and no hope of taking back the south for some time. This was a revealing interview to hear these men admit the party is in trouble. Again they could have said Webb would unite..they could have said anything, but they did not. I wonder why? I would venture to say this interview will be left off the lefty blogs for sure...with good reason. First it showed the strength and leadership of our Sen Allen, and the weakness and lack of support for Webb by his own people. I will link the transcript as soon as I get it.
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