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Friday, January 13, 2006

Mark Warner and Roger Coleman

The Virginia Supreme Court declined to order the testing in 2002, so Centurion Ministries asked Warner to intervene.

So three years later as Warner is about to leave office he orders the testing to be performed, as the new governor Tim Kaine, who does not believe in the death penalty is ready to take office. I question that agenda. I do believe agenda is the right word. If the new tests proved Coleman innocent, Tim Kaine would have a drum to beat on against the death penalty he strongly opposes. Yes, my few readers, I believe there was an agenda.

Why wait till 2005 to order the tests governor? Why not 2003? 2004? Why now and why Roger Coleman? Those are very good questions that no one is asking. I bet it was for the family, but which one? The victim's family? I cant find any proof that the McCoy family wanted this brought up. I think they got the justice they wanted when Coleman rode the lightning in 1992. Well it was for the Coleman family. His mother always thought he was innocent. Now she knows the truth after all these years. How happy she must be.I also noticed in Warners grandstanding on this that he only offered sympathy to the McCoy family. Who cares about Coleman's mother and how her heart feels today. That still does not answer why he did this and why now. To me the agenda is clear.

This article by Mathew Lakin has some reactions from people involved with the case. It will not surprise you that no one supported all this. It should not surprise you that the ones who also thought Coleman was innocent still think he is. Nothing gained or changed there. You will read how Brenda Ratliff whom Coleman attempted to rape and was sent to prison feels. She also asks this question:

"I'm just tired of it," she said. "Grundy has been tried so many times for this. Every time, it's just like, here we go again."

She and others wonder why Coleman's advocates, such as Centurion Ministries, which works to free wrongly convicted inmates, couldn't see what she saw. She wonders why they ignored his background - obscene phone calls in high school, the 1977 rape attempt, the day he flashed two women in the public library and masturbated onto a desk.

"They never tried to talk to me," she said. "I don't understand how they could be taken in by someone like him. Why did they believe him instead of us?"

I wonder that also Ms. Ratliff. I wonder why Warner caved in to the Centurion group.....Unless.....Unless there was an agenda. The agenda was foiled this time, but they will keep trying. They will try to find that one innocent man that was put to death. Then pound that drum to abolish the death penalty. If that does happen one day, I can say the wrongful execution was an innocent mistake. There was nothing innocent about Wanda McCoy's murder. There was nothing innocent about Warner's actions. It was all part of the agenda.

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