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Sunday, July 11, 2004

It is another Saturday night and I am sitting here geeking out. It was pretty here today and I went to mow for my uncle. I am hoping to get some tech links up for all the geeks who read my blog. I will try my best to find freebies and good deals for all to share. Guess I will pass this on now. The new version of my favorite browser is out. Firefox /0.9.2 is awesome.Give it a try. IE has more holes than swiss cheese and Firefox is open source, so they patch quickly when there is a problem, unlike Microsoft (Hey Bill, we are still waiting on the new service pack).My advice to you is try different browsers, there are many (Mozilla, Opera, Netscape), and get away from IE and all the holes that take forever to get patched. I want to thank all the people who email me. It seems like they don’t post comments on here but prefer to use email. Thank you and I will try to respond as best I can.
In The News: VP candidate Edwards bashes Bush in NY Times interview.He says the president misled America about Iraq. Sen. Edwards cowers out when asked why he voted for the war. Kerry does the same thing, cowers out. It is strange to me they hold Bush responsible, yet take no responsibility for their support. I also noticed they had no answers or solutions to any question asked. I do believe Bush rushed to war but he did so because of the info he received. I believe Bush will keep the country safe no matter what the world thinks. Kerry will cower unless the UN supports us. I as an American want my president to protect me, not the UN. If you research it, you will find the ones who opposed the war, France, Germany, etc, all were making money off Saddam and his oil. Kerry and Co. will spin this into Bush making money. Don’t be fooled! I will have more on this later.
Moving On: Dr. Howard Frank - Groundbreaking heart surgeon and colleague of Dr. Paul Zoll, the cardiologist who first conceived the pacemaker, who in 1960 became the second surgeon (after Zoll) to implant a pacemaker in a patient, and who later helped refine the surgical insertion of the device, died June 27 at his home in Brookline, Massachusetts at the age of 89. It is amazing to think of the lives this man has helped. I think we all know someone who has benefited from a pacemaker. Thank you Doctor! And pray for his family.

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